
DB Replic does not replicate call data

After experiencing a ‘no space left on device’ and restarting containers, it can sometimes happen that the data from XiVO is not replicated anymore. The following error can be found only in docker logs of DB Replic:

xivo-dcomp logs -tf --tail=10 db_replic


db_replic_1       | liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock.  Currently locked by fe80:0:0:0:42:acff:fe11:8%eth0 (fe80:0:0:0:42:acff:fe11:8%eth0) since 4/10/17 3:28 PM

This error is caused by a lock in liquibase db. Follow the below steps in order to fix the issue:


This problem should not happen, so you should know what you are doing and not follow this procedure blindly.

  1. Stop db_replic (XiVO), xivo_stats (XiVO CC) and pack_reporting (XiVO CC)

  2. On XiVOCC, enter inside the pgxivocc docker container:

    docker exec -it xivocc_pgxivocc_1 /bin/bash
  3. Log on the database as postgres:

    su - postgres
    psql xivo_stats
  4. Find if there still is an active lock:

    xivo_stats=# select * from databasechangeloglock;
     id | locked |       lockgranted       |                            lockedby
      1 | t      | 2017-04-10 15:28:10.684 | fe80:0:0:0:42:acff:fe11:8%eth0 (fe80:0:0:0:42:acff:fe11:8%eth0)
  5. If so, delete the lock:

    xivo_stats=# truncate databasechangeloglock;
    xivo_stats=# select * from databasechangeloglock;
     id | locked | lockgranted | lockedby
      1 | f      |             |
  6. Restart the containers:

    xivo-dcomp start db_replic (XiVO)
    xivocc-dcomp start pack_reporting (XiVO CC)
    xivocc-dcomp start xivo_stats (XiVO CC)

Now, if xivo_stats is stuck in exit (126), try a docker rm -v {xivo_stats contener id} followed by a xivocc-dcomp up -d.

Totem panels (Elastic, Logstash and Kibana)

To debug the ELK stack bear in mind the Data flow.


  • Logstash:

    xivocc-dcomp logs -tf --tail=10 logstash
  • Elasticsearch:

    xivocc-dcomp logs -tf --tail=10 elasticsearch
  • Kibana:

    xivocc-dcomp logs -tf --tail=10 kibana

When looking at logstash logs you should normally see:

  • every minute the SQL request being run:

    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475644639Z [2019-09-18T13:59:00,475][INFO ][logstash.inputs.jdbc     ] (0.016828s) SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM (select
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475688759Z as id,
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475694836Z     cast(time as timestamp) as queuetime,
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475698712Z     ql.callid,
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475757232Z from
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475760377Z     queue_log as ql
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475782243Z where
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475785317Z > 20503
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T11:59:00.475788795Z order by asc) AS "t1" LIMIT 1
  • in the SQL query you should see the where condition > SOME_ID changing

    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475644639Z [2019-09-18T14:00:00,475][INFO ][logstash.inputs.jdbc     ] (0.016828s) SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM (select
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475688759Z as id,
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475694836Z     cast(time as timestamp) as queuetime,
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475698712Z     ql.callid,
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475757232Z from
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475760377Z     queue_log as ql
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475782243Z where
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475785317Z > 20602
    logstash_1 | 2019-09-18T12:00:00.475788795Z order by asc) AS "t1" LIMIT 1