
Totem Panels

The XiVO CC comes with the ELK [1] stack. This offers the possibility to do some dashboard to visualize, for example, your call center activity.

This can also be used to explore your data and analyze it.



See also

Import Default Configuration and Demo Dashboards

Preconfigured panels and index pattern are available on our gitlab repository.

  1. Download the sample panels from

  2. Import this json file in Kibana:

  • Goto the Kibana homepage –> manage, then select Kibana –> Saved Object

  • Click on Import button,

  • In the new menu select the previously kibana_from_gaia.ndjson downloaded file

  • If not checked, activate the Automatically overwrite all saved object ? toggle

  • Click on Import button

You can now browse the sample reports in Dashboard


Note that to work on your environment, the CC - Queues dashboard must edited to change the queues name.

Data flow

Event data (i.e. the queue_log table) is replicated in two steps:

1. Replication from XiVO PBX to XiVO CC

Data are replicated almost instantaneously with the db_replic service. See also the Replication schema. To see replication status open /var/log/xivo-db-replication/xivo-db-replication.log on XiVO.

2. Replication from XiVO CC to Elasticsearch

Data are replicated every 1 minute with Logstash.

The information about the last replicated id is lost when the Logstash container is recreated (e.g. when upgrading to another LTS). In this case Logstash re-replicates the last 7 days of data. Note that as the data are already stored in Elasticsearch, no progress will be visible and no new data will appear for few minutes.

Elasticsearch memory management

Since Helios, Elasticsearch’s default memory is set to 1.5 GB (but it actually uses more memory, something around 500 MB up to the limit). You are able to override this value by setting the ES_JAVA_OPTS variable in the /etc/docker/compose/custom.env file on XiVO CC. You can choose your values as shown below (Xms and Xmx must be the same):

  • ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms3g -Xmx3g or

  • ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2500m -Xmx2500m


To apply the configuration you must run xivocc-dcomp up -d.

Warning: This will recreate the elasticsearch container. Therefore you will loose all data (kibana dashboard included). So you MUST backup your Kibana configuration beforehand.

Elasticsearch data purging

Elasticsearch is configured to keep at least 30 days of data.