Release Notes

Electra (2020.07)

Below is a list of New Features and Behavior Changes compared to the previous LTS version, Deneb (2019.12).

New Features


  • Common features:
    • Chat conversation history:
      • Can retrieve its chat history with another user when opening a chat conversation - see Chat backend and associated features about Instant Messaging.
      • Ability to send messages to offline users.
    • Can deactivate the Chat feature - see Disabling chat in UC Assistant and Switchboard section.
    • Prevent personal contact creation without name or surname: a name (name or surname) and a number (number or mobile or other number) must be filled to be able to create a personal contact.
  • WebRTC:
    • When muted in a conference: I also see it in the sound gauge of my assistant, and the mute icon flashes red when I try to speak
  • CC Agent:

Desktop Assistant:

  • Windows executable file is now signed to avoid potential threat. Windows may still complain while installing until application is trusted by Microsoft.

CC Manager:


  • Automatic stop/start recording on queues can be toggled with new configuration key ENABLE_RECORDING_RULES

Switchboard: new switchboard application compatible with XDS installation - see Switchboard documentation page for configuration and usage

  • New application accessible at https://XiVOCC/popc
  • Operator can receive/answer/transfer calls within the application
  • Operator can put calls in a holding queue to treat them when convenient
  • Operator can chose the call he wants to retrieve from the hold queue
  • Can do basic call control tasks with keyboard shortcuts
  • Can Chat with the other users of the company and send messages even if they are offline


  • WebRTC users can be configured on MDS other than Main. It requires a manual configuration on nginx service - see Enable WebRTC on MDS
  • Call to confd REST API now reloads asterisk configuration on all media servers
  • Number of peers configured on each MDS are now displayed in Services ‣ IPBX page
  • Each MDS has only its SIP peers loaded in asterisk
  • Monit monitors asterisk on the MDS


  • Import/Update enhancement: operation is faster and if it times out it displays a more comprehensive message to tell you what’s happening - see User Import and Export documentation
  • Queue parameter Exit Context can now be set to context of type Service
  • Limit of Agent Groups (Services ‣ Call Center ‣ Agents) was raised from 63 to 120
  • Finish IAX removal from XiVO


  • Asterisk version updated to 16.9.0
  • Docker Compose files were upgraded to version 3.7
  • Docker version was updated to version 18.06.3
  • RabbitMQ version was updated to version 3.8
  • UC Addon: lowered the default RAM value for JVM process

Behavior Changes


  • WebRTC: for WebRTC you must use a version of Chrome >= 73.0.3683.121
  • CC Agent:
    • (since Electra.08) History: Agent Call history is now limited to the last 7 days: it displays the last 20 calls for the last 7 days period (previously it was displaying the last 20 calls with no period limit - which could overload the Reporting Server).

Desktop Assistant

  • Config file and logs are now in the following directories:
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/xivo-desktop-assistant/application
  • Linux: $HOME/.config/xivo-desktop-assistant/application


  • Each MDS has only its SIP peers loaded in asterisk


  • Adding a line and a group/queue membership to a user at once is possible only with SIP protocol. With SCCP or custom line, you must save the user before setting the group/queue membership.
  • Some parts of form Services ‣ CTI Server ‣ Models ‣ Sheets were removed as they were not used in our current CTI implementation.
  • Queue parameter Exit Context can now be set to context of type Service
  • Rabbitmq management web interface is no longer exposed (only on localhost)

XiVO Client

  • XiVO Client application is not supported anymore on Electra. It was replaced by UC Assistant, CC Agent and the new Switchboard application.


This release deprecates:

  • LTS Five (2017.03): after 3 years of support this version is no longer supported. No bug fixes, no security update will be provided for this release.
  • the XiVO Client application: with LTS Electra (2020.07) the client application named XiVO Client is no longer supported. This was already the case since LTS Aldebaran (2018.05) except for the switchboard part. With LTS Electra (2020.07) the use of the XiVO Client application for switchboard is also no longer supported: it must not be used on an Electra installation. With Electra the new Switchboard should be used instead.



Don’t forget the specific steps to upgrade to another LTS version - see Manual steps for LTS upgrade

Follow the usual upgrade procedures:

Electra Bugfixes Versions

Components version table

Table listing the current version of the components.

Component current ver.
XiVO PBX 2020.07.10
config_mgt 2020.07.00
db 2020.07.05
outcall 2020.07.07
db_replic 2020.07.00
nginx 2020.07.00
webi 2020.07.07
switchboard_reports 2020.07.05
elasticsearch 7.3.1
kibana 7.3.1
logstash 2020.07.10
mattermost 2020.07.06
nginx 2020.07.02
pack-reporting 2020.07.07
pgxivocc 1.3
recording-rsync 1.0
recording-server 2020.07.08
spagobi 2020.07.00
xivo-full-stats 2020.07.10
xuc 2020.07.10
xucmgt 2020.07.10

2020.07.10 (Electra.10)

Consult the 2020.07.10 (Electra.10) Roadmap.

Components updated:

Docker :


Debian :



  • #5432 - XDS - prevent loops between MDS (dialplan)


  • #5149 - Cannot do attended transfer when agent takes control of phone without cti user


  • #4753 - Upgrade logstash to 7.16.2


    Behavior change Logstash was upgraded from 7.1.1 to 7.16.2 to fully mitigate Log4j security flaw.

  • #4876 - [C] - Missing answer time for consultation call (queue call with transfer to another queue) in call_on_queue table


  • #5368 - Cannot make webrtc audio calls with Chrome 103 - Electra

XUC Server

  • #4024 - [Doc] Roaming agent does not work with 2 webrtc lines - Relogging a wertc agent with default line on other webrtc line fails
  • #6090 - [Doc] Agent on pause is set back to ready status after refreshing page


  • #5724 - monit generate high disk latency and high cpu usage (Electra)
  • #5821 - Boss/Secretary filter “Ringing time” field missing in specific scenario


Consult the Electra.09 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucserver

XUC Server

  • #4243 - [C] - xuc - memory leak in device tracker pending messages


Consult the Electra.08 Roadmap.

Components updated: pack-reporting, recording-server, xivo-config, xivo-full-stats, xivo-monitoring, xivo-outcall, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #4074 - Switchboard (CC Agent) history is wrong for call received from/emitted towards MDS user

Desktop Assistant

  • #3904 - Electron squirrel build issue


  • #3708 - [C] - Recording server - purge don’t work when high number of file
  • #3833 - [C] - Recorded files are not seekable and hardly downloadable under Chrome browser
  • #3853 - Purge date is wrong in logs


  • #3745 - stats - hangup_time for an incoming call to a queue transferred to another queue is sometime missing in call_on_queue

  • #3805 - [C] - Lots of agent history request can load the reporting server


    Behavior change Agent Call history is now limited to the last 7 days: it displays the last 20 calls for the last 7 days period (previously it was displaying the last 20 calls with no period limit - which could overload the Reporting Server)


  • #4221 - WebRTC Unified Plan Support - Electra


    Behavior change WebRTC requires now Chrome version >= 73.0.3683.121.

    WebRTC now uses so-called Unified Plan for SDP (instead of Plan-B).


  • #3643 - [C] - Order function key listing in user form list
  • #3686 - [C] - Outcall - nb of connection to the database
  • #3713 - Asterisk codec graphic doesn’t work anymore
  • #4034 - MDS - some logs are not rotated


Consult the Electra.06 Roadmap.

Components updated: mattermost-docker-xivo-mirror, xivo-dist, xivo-service, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3475 - Chat does not work in case the user is forcefully logged out

  • #3526 - Chat Electra - Surveybot sends messages to the user asking for feedback


    If the chat backend was already installed before the upgrade, you have to manually delete channels between surveybot user and other users in order to get rid of the annoying error logs in xuc.

    1. Get channel ids from the mattermost database:

      psql -h localhost -p 5443 -U postgres mattermost -tc "
      SELECT channelid FROM posts
      JOIN users ON = posts.userid
      WHERE users.username = 'surveybot'"
    2. Delete them safely from the mattermost CLI. For example:

      xivocc-dcomp exec mattermost mattermost-cli channel delete "
      >  h37fet418iff3pdpfcj6neht4h
      >  esu8swozjtnhm8asordwk56jmo"
    3. Confirm deletion by typing “YES”

  • #3533 - Chat is crashing for a user with [remember me] option when forcefully logged out

Desktop Assistant

  • #3467 - Fix XiVO Desktop Application - Missing “S” to “Contact”
  • #3593 - Language difference between desktop and web assistant
  • #3616 - Electra - Desktop Application callto and global shortcut key does not work until refreshing

Web Assistant

  • #3584 - UC Assistant displays conference call when I click on voicemail button while in call
  • #3625 - Presence is not seen unless user has a voicemail or connects to assistant


  • #3513 - Xuc sample page: Webrtc can’t be initialized

XUC Server

  • #3586 - RabbitMQ connection is not retried if failed at xuc startup


  • #3484 - (Electra) User with accents in name can’t call a WebRTC user
  • #3559 - Set apt sources correctly for future LTS with xivo-dist
  • #3604 - XDS - XiVO services are started by monit on mds after stopping all

XiVOCC Infra

  • #3321 - XiVO UC: Recording server unreachable from Xuc when FQDN is set


Consult the Electra.05 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-agentd, xivo-db, xivo-full-stats, xivo-switchboard-reports, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3357 - ccmanager : wrong translations for dissuasion tab


  • #3365 - First message in conversation not displayed when sending to new user

Desktop Assistant

  • #3355 - When using click to call for a second call, my first call is hang up
  • #3364 - Second call via callto:/tel: link hangup my ongoing call


  • #3335 - stats - hangup_time for an incoming call to a queue transferred to another queue is missing


  • #3256 - Switchboard report may not be generated because of timeout
  • #3290 - Add more results to the switchboard history

Web Assistant

  • #3336 - MDS user cannot mute in conference when he calls the same conference for the second time
  • #3402 - UC Assistant : long names display is wrong in three party conferences

XUC Server

  • #3348 - DND is disabled when logging to UC assistant
  • #3354 - Agent state changes from Pause to Ready after editing user in webi
  • #3446 - Transfer completion fails: call parties remain on hold


  • #3292 - rabbitmq (or sysconfd or configmgt) fails to start if server hostname is wrongly resolved or slowly resolved in rabbitmq container
  • #3316 - Monit buttons don’t work
  • #3375 - xivo-ctid is not up just after the reboot (need to wait 2min)

XiVOCC Infra

  • #3296 - XiVO UCAddon: recording server is not on time
  • #3308 - Mattermost admin password lost after upgrade


Consult the Electra.04 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucmgt, xucserver

Web Assistant

  • #3302 - Error in xucmgt with webrtc line with xucserver <= 2020.07.01

XUC Server

  • #3299 - Cannot initiate a second call


Consult the Electra.03 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucserver


  • #3233 - Support webRTC on MDS


  • #3254 - Be able to configure Unique Account user on MDS


Consult the Electra.02 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-agid, xivo-config, xivo-db, xivocc-installer, xivoxc-nginx, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3271 - Dcomp command prints warnings after chat backend upgrade

Mobile Application

  • #2948 - As a mobile app user I can see the status of the conference


  • #3269 - XDS - Improve reporting for SLIT for forward scenario


  • #3056 - SIP number instead of username is displayed on the caller’s phone when his call is transferred using switchboard
  • #3264 - Doc - if operator retrieves a call while being called on its internal phone it cancel the internal call

XUC Server

  • #3101 - UC assistant keeps being disconnected every minute after restarting xivo-ctid
  • #3137 - Conference can have multiple times the same user in the list of participants
  • #3206 - Webi - when removing user and creating it again with csv file, the user cannot login
  • #3245 - When creating UA in XiVO sip interface doesn’t contain _w until user is updated or xuc restarted


  • #3266 - Database upgrade fails when upgrading from Borealis to Electra
  • #3281 - DOC : End of Five
  • #3282 - DOC : End of Xivo client

XiVOCC Infra

  • #2895 - Install script enhancement: should print the version which is going to be installed and should recover from wrongly set distribution
  • #3272 - xivo-mattermost-theme install is breaking Mattermost config file


Consult the Electra.01 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-config, xivo-switchboard-reports, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3179 - As an admin I want to be able to install the Chat backend on a CC split on 3 server
  • #3251 - chat messages sent and received dont use the same timestamp entity

Desktop Assistant

  • #3261 - UCAssistant - unwanted scroll bar appears on video calls


  • #3192 - Retrieving a call from hold while dialing another displays calls in a conference when dialed peer answers
  • #3239 - Display the granularity as “day” in the statistics of the new switchboard
  • #3253 - Switchboard - Unable to retrieve UA user from hold queue
  • #3258 - Switchboard reports may start without http server to accept requests

Web Assistant

  • #3252 - Call control - icon for call established is shifted
  • #3255 - Missing volume meter and user name in ucassistant when doing a webrtc conference
  • #3257 - UCAssistant - Font size too small
  • #3263 - UCAssistant - wrong display of usernames in the chat conversation list


  • #3235 - UA - Desktop phone rings if the WebRTC line has already two calls

XiVOCC Infra

  • #3049 - Give JVM RAM configuration for typical installation set up
  • #3242 - Doc - Add procedure to upgrade CC to Debian 9
  • #3259 - Give JVM RAM configuration for UC (>500) and CC (1 or 2 servers)
  • #3260 - Doc - Give JVM RAM configuration for UC on XDS or CC with 3 servers



LTS Release. New features and behavior changes are listed above under the Electra (2020.07) section.

Consult the Electra (2020.07) Roadmap.

Components updated: config-mgt, rabbitmq, recording-server, xivo-confgend, xivo-dao, xivo-db, xivo-manage-db, xivo-purge-db, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xivoxc-nginx, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3214 - No audio in WebRTC second call if user is behind a VPN


  • #3225 - Chat - False error notification if chat history never existed

Mobile Application

  • #3082 - As a mobile app user I Join the conference as administrator


  • #3207 - Doc - Logstash re-replicates last week of data after upgrade
  • #3223 - Add webservice for CEL retrieval from CC database


  • #2622 - [S] Rabbitmq exposes a non secured http based admin interface


  • #3221 - Callerid and Waiting time are not aligned in incoming calls list
  • #3238 - Change URL to connect to the switchboard from /switchboard to /popc
  • #3240 - Logged Switchboard users get redirected to CCAgent when a new version is released

Web Assistant

  • #3216 - Footer moves when conference participants list does not fit the window and the user scrolls
  • #3220 - I should see that I’m muted in the xivo assistant
  • #3230 - the name of the person in a call with me is not fully displayed unless i hover it
  • #3246 - Chat - Sort conversation per date of received message
  • #3247 - Chat - Display the day of the message (not only the hour)

XUC Server

  • #3224 - XDS - Voicemail notification badge is random
  • #3232 - Agent may not have dissuasion rights after login if he also uses UC Assistant


  • #2438 - XDS - As an Admin, I’d like to easily know the Media Server that exist and the number of users they host
  • #2524 - XDS - Each MDS should only have its own SIP peers
  • #3161 - As a user with UA activated I should see history of both my phone and webrtc line
  • #3162 - As a user with UA I should have only one presence state displayed for other users
  • #3164 - UA - forwarding rule
  • #3176 - Enhance CSV update/import by clarifying timeout message
  • #3231 - Raise limit of 63 agents groups to 120
  • #3236 - stat_* tables should not be replicated on a MDS
  • #3241 - CEL should be purged on MDS servers

XiVOCC Infra

  • #3250 - Give JVM RAM configuration for UC Addon