Installing XDS


Before installing, make sure you understand the XDS Architecture and links between components.

The XDS architecture has the following components:

  • XiVO

  • Media Server (MDS) (one or more)

An XDS needs also:

  • a XiVO UC/CC with the UC/CC features (i.e. the CTI Server),

  • a XiVO UC/CC with the Reporting features for the centralized call history (i.e. the Reporting Server).

This page will guide you through:

  1. the configuration of the XiVO (see XiVO Configuration section)

  2. the installation and configuration of the MDS (see Media Server Configuration section)

  3. and the configuration of the UC/CC server (CTI and Reporting Server) (see XiVO CC Configuration section)


Before starting you need to have 3 servers. Here’s a table summarizing what we are installing. Replace the IP by those you chose.







Media Server

UC/CC (CTI/Reporting Server)





IP Data


XiVO Configuration

On server1:

AMI configuration


Once a media server is defined in webi, the xucserver from UC/CC Server will immediately start to use the VoIP interface for AMI connection to all media servers and also to XiVO. Therefore we must ensure that UC/CC Server is able to connect to XiVO AMI via its VoIP interface.


If a XiVO UC/CC is already installed, you MUST do the following steps BEFORE adding media server.

Otherwise you can first define media servers and do these steps right after XiVO CC installation, but before starting it to prevent problems with fail2ban.

  1. Edit existing file /etc/asterisk/manager.d/02-xivocc.conf to add permission for xucserver* of UC/CC Server (CTI Server):

    • permit to authorize the VoIP IP of the UC/CC Server (CTI Server). E.g.:

  2. Apply the configuration:

    asterisk -rx 'manager reload'

Define Media Servers


Here we define our Media Servers (MDS) names and VoIP IP address.

In XiVO webi,

  1. Go to Configuration ‣ Management ‣ Media Servers

  2. Add a line per Media Server (MDS) (below an example for mds1):

    1. Name: mdsX (e.g. mds1)

    2. Displayed Name: Media Server X (e.g. Media Server 1)

    3. IP VoIP: <VoIP IP of mdsX> (e.g. - note: the VoIP streams between XiVO and mdsX will go through this IP

Once you define a media server, you will be able to create local SIP trunks that exist only there. The location can be set in tab General ‣ Media server in the SIP trunk configuration.

Define Media Servers for Provisionning


Here we configure the Media Servers (MDS) for the phones.

In XiVO webi

  1. Go to Configuration ‣ Provisioning ‣ Template Line

  2. Create a template line per MDS (below the example for mds1):

    1. Unique name: <mdsX> (e.g. mds1) - note: it must be the same name as the one defined in section Define Media Servers

    2. Displayed Name: <Media Server X> (e.g. Media Server 1)

    3. Registrar Main: <VoIP IP of mdsX> (e.g.

    4. Proxy Main: <VoIP IP of mdsX> (e.g.

Media Servers connection to the XIVO database


The MDS need to connect to the XiVO database.

In file /var/lib/postgresql/15/data/pg_hba.conf add an authorization per mds to connect to the db. Here you will probably want to use the Data IP of mdsX:

host      asterisk    all      md5

And reload the database configuration:

xivo-dcomp reload db

SMTP relay configuration


This step is specific to XiVO Main

SMTP relay must be configured to receive voicemail notifications from media servers. Mail on XiVO must be configured also.

  1. Get the docker0 bridge IP via ip a

  2. Create custom template for postfix configuration:

    mkdir -p /etc/xivo/custom-templates/mail/etc/postfix/
    cp /usr/share/xivo-config/templates/mail/etc/postfix/ /etc/xivo/custom-templates/mail/etc/postfix/
  3. Open /etc/xivo/custom-templates/mail/etc/postfix/ for editing

  4. Add docker0 bridge IP value to the mynetworks option:

    mynetworks =
  5. Update configuration


XDS File Synchronization


You need to do this manual step on XiVO Main for the file sync to take place. See File Synchronization page for the feature description.

  1. Rename files in synced dir (and mainly custom dialplans in /etc/asterisk/extensions_extra.d/) which should not be synchronized to be prefixed with xds_override. All files named with this prefix will be excluded from synchronization.

  2. Initialize synchronization of dialplans by running the command:

    xivo-xds-sync -i


The initialization will:

  1. generate a ssh key pair: ~/.ssh/rsync_xds and ~/.ssh/

  2. copy the public key to /usr/share/xivo-certs/

  3. make the public key available at https://XIVO_HOST/ssh-key

  4. create cron job /etc/cron.d/xivo-xds-sync to schedule the synchronization

Edge configuration


If an edge is already configured and you are switching from a normal setup to an XDS one, do not forget to do the following configuration on the edge side. For edge 3 VM, see SIP Proxy. For edge on a single VM, see Web Proxy, SIP Proxy and TURN Server.

Media Server Configuration


On server2 install a Debian 11 with:

  • amd64 architecture,

  • en_US.UTF-8 locale,

  • ext4 filesystem

  • a hostname correctly set (files /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname must be coherent).

Before installing the MDS you have to have added:



The MDS installer will ask you:

  • the XiVO Data IP Address

  • the Media Server you’re installing (taken from the Media Server you declared at step Define Media Servers)

  • the Media Server Data IP

  • the Reporting Server IP (i.e. the XiVO UC/CC with reporting features - database, xivo_stats …)

To perform a silent installation, you can use debconf to set these variables based on their corresponding environment values:

  • $XIVO_HOST (e.g.

  • $MDS_NAME (e.g. mds1)

  • $DB_HOST (e.g.


echo "xivo-mds-installer xivo-mds-installer/XIVO_HOST string $XIVO_HOST" | debconf-set-selections
echo "xivo-mds-installer xivo-mds-installer/REPORTING_DB_HOST string $REPORTING_DB_HOST" | debconf-set-selections
echo "xivo-mds-installer xivo-mds-installer/DB_HOST string $DB_HOST" | debconf-set-selections
echo "xivo-mds-installer xivo-mds-installer/MDS_NAME string $MDS_NAME" | debconf-set-selections
echo "xivo-mds-installer xivo-mds-installer/DROP_REPLICATION_SLOT boolean true" | debconf-set-selections

To install the MDS, download the XiVO installation script:

chmod +x

and run it:


Use -a switch to chose the same version as your XiVO (mds0)

./ -a 2023.10-latest

When prompted:

  • give the IP of XiVO (mds0): <XiVO Data IP> (e.g.

  • select the MDS you’re installing: <mdsX> (e.g. mds1)

  • enter the MDS Data IP: <mdsX Data IP> (e.g.

  • and finally the Reporting Server Data IP: <reporting Data IP> (e.g.


In case of re-installation, you will be prompted to drop the existing database replication slot.


To finalize the MDS configuration you have to:

  1. Configure NTP to synchronize on XiVO (mds0) by replacing preconfigured servers/pools in file /etc/ntp.conf by:

    server iburst
  2. And restart NTP:

    systemctl restart ntp
  3. Create file /etc/asterisk/manager.d/02-xuc.conf to add permission for Xuc Server to connect with:

    • secret must be the same as the secret for xuc user on XiVO,

    • permit to authorize the VoIP IP of the UC/CC Server (CTI Server). E.g.:

      cat > /etc/asterisk/manager.d/02-xuc.conf << EOF
      secret = muq6IWgNU1Z
      read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,dtmf,originate,dialplan
      write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,dtmf,originate,dialplan
      writetimeout = 10000
  4. Restart the services:

    xivo-service restart all

Mail configuration

The install script installs and configures postfix:

  • to relay mails towards the XiVO Main - see relayhost parameter in /etc/postfix/ file,

  • and use the content of /etc/mailname file as the domain part of the from address - see myorigin parameter in /etc/postfix/


Note that the content of /etc/mailname file is taken during installation from the domain if set or the hostname.

Therefore if mail sent from the MDS are not correctly relayed by the XiVO Main, you should check and play with the value of the /etc/mailname file. And then reload the postfix if needed service postfix reload.

Outgoing Call Configuration

Create the Provider Trunk

Add on the XiVO the trunk towards your provider (it can be an ISDN or SIP trunk). When creating the trunk, select the Media Server on which it will be located.

Create Outgoing Call Rule


This outgoing call rule will handle outgoing call from XDS to Provider.

In XiVO Webi:

  1. Go to Services ‣ IPBX ‣ Call Management ‣ Outgoing calls

  2. Create a route for XDS:

    1. Call pattern: X.

    2. Trunks: <your provider trunk>

    3. (after opening the advanced form) Caller ID: <main DID of the system>

XiVO CC Configuration

On server3:

Enable WebRTC on MDS


The manual procedure has been automated in kuma.

WebRTC users can be configured on the MDS. When you add a new mds, you need to update the xivocc nginx configuration as shown below.

  1. Either refresh the sip proxy configuration on the nginx and reload it:

    xivocc-dcomp exec nginx /docker-entrypoint.d/
    xivocc-dcomp reload nginx
  2. Or restart the container:

    xivocc-dcomp restart nginx
    xivocc-dcomp up -d nginx
  3. You can check out your configuration here

    xivocc-dcomp exec nginx cat /etc/nginx/sip_proxy/sip_proxy.conf

Known Limitations

Agent states after XUC restart

Restarting XUC server with active calls in XDS environment will result in having some agents in incorrect state. Please see the note in restarting XUC server with active calls.