Call Qualifications
Call qualifications are used to describe a call in a queue with a certain qualification and its related sub qualification. For example, a call can be qualified as a qualification Sales and a sub qualification Hardware.
Call qualifications will require some 3rd party application (see Configuration) complementary to CCAgent to display a sheet for agents to qualify the call and save results to database.
Qualifications are managed on the
Qualification is a main description to which a sub qualification belongs.
A qualification can be configured with the following options:
Name: used as name for the qualification
Sub Qualifications: used as name for the sub qualification
Sub Qualification
A sub qualification can be configured with the following options:
Name: used as name for the qualification
Assign qualification to queue
In order to retrieve all qualifications for a certain queue, the qualification must be added to that queue. A queue can be assigned with multiple qualifications and a qualification can be assigned to multiple queues.
To assign a qualification or multiple qualifications to the queue, open
Removing qualifications
Removing a qualification will remove also all related sub qualifications. The sub qualifications can be removed by opening the qualification edit page.
The (sub)qualification will not be deleted from the database, but will be marked as inactive. This is due to the situation in which a call has been already qualified with now removed qualification. Therefore the information won’t be lost.
Qualification answers
A call in a queue can be qualified by the qualification assigned to this queue.
Exporting qualification answers
See Exporting qualifications feature in CCmanager.