Music on Hold

The menu Services ‣ IPBX ‣ IPBX services ‣ On-hold Music leads to the list of available on-hold musics.


Available categories are:

  • files: play sound files. Formats supported:

    Format Name Filename Extension
    G.719 .g719
    G.723 .g723 .g723sf
    G.726 .g726-40 .g726-32 .g726-24 .g726-16
    G.729 .g729
    GSM .gsm
    iLBC .ilbc
    Ogg Vorbis .ogg (only mono files sampled at 8000 Hz)
    G.711 A-law .alaw .al .alw
    G.711 μ-law .pcm .ulaw .ul .mu .ulw
    G.722 .g722
    Au .au
    Siren7 .siren7
    Siren14 .siren14
    SLN .raw .sln .sln12 .sln16 .sln24 .sln32 .sln44 .sln48 .sln96 .sln192
    VOX .vox
    WAV .wav .wav16
    WAV GSM .WAV .wav49

    Only 1 audio channel must be present per file, i.e. files must be in mono.

    If your music on hold files don’t seem to work, you should look for errors in the asterisk logs.

    The on-hold music will always play from the start.

  • mp3: play MP3 files.

    The on-hold music will play from an arbitrary position on the track, it will not play from the start.

  • custom: do not play sound files. Instead, run an external process. That process must send on stdout the same binary format than WAV files.

    Example process: /usr/bin/mpg123 -s --mono -y -f 8192 -r 8000


Processes run by custom categories are started as soon as the category is created and will only stop when the category is deleted. This means that on-hold music fed from online streaming will constantly be receiving network traffic, even when there are no calls.