User Import, Export and Update
CSV Import
Users can be imported and associated to other resources by use of a CSV file. CSV Importation can be used in situations where you need to modify many users at the same in an efficient manner, or for migrating users from one system to another. A CSV file can be created and edited by spreadsheet tools such as Excel, LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc, etc.
CSV file
The first line of a CSV file contains a list of field names (also sometimes called “columns”). Each new line afterwards are users to import. CSV data must respect the following conditions:
Files must be encoded in UTF-8
Fields must be separated with a
Fields can be optionally quoted with a
Double-quotes can be escaped by writing them twice (e.g.
Robert ""Bob"" Jenkins
)Empty fields or headers that are not defined will be considered null.
Fields of type bool must be either
for false, or1
for true.Fields of type int must be a positive number
Additionally, these restrictions for specific fields must also be respected:
Field labels: All user labels in this field must already exist before the import
In the following tables, columns have been grouped according to their resource. Each resource is created and associated to its user when all required fields for that resource are present.
Field |
Type |
Required |
Values |
Description |
entity_id |
int |
Yes |
Entity ID (Defined in menu ) |
firstname |
string |
Yes |
User’s firstname |
lastname |
string |
User’s lastname |
string |
User’s email |
language |
string |
de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, fr_CA |
User’s language |
mobile_phone_number |
string |
Mobile phone number |
outgoing_caller_id |
string |
Customize outgoing caller id for this user |
enabled |
bool |
Enable/Disable the user |
supervision_enabled |
bool |
Enable/Disable supervision |
call_transfer_enabled |
bool |
Enable/Disable call transfers by DTMF |
dtmf_hangup_enabled |
bool |
Enable/Disable hangup by DTMF |
simultaneous_calls |
int |
Number of calls a user can have on his phone simultaneously |
ring_seconds |
int |
Must be a multiple of 5 |
Number of seconds a call will ring before ending |
call_permission_password |
string |
Overwrite all passwords set in call permissions associated to the user |
labels |
string |
list separated by semicolons ( |
Names of the labels to assign to the user |
CTI Profile
Field |
Type |
Required |
Values |
Description |
cti_profile_enabled |
bool |
No |
Activates the CTI account for this user |
username |
string |
Yes, if profile enabled |
CTI Login username |
password |
string |
Yes, if profile enabled |
Must be 4 characters long [1]. |
CTI Login password |
cti_profile_name |
string |
Yes, if profile enabled |
CTI profile (Defined in menu ) |
Field |
Type |
Required |
Values |
Description |
exten |
string |
Yes |
Number for calling the user. The number must be inside the range of acceptable numbers defined for the context |
context |
string |
Yes |
Context |
line_protocol |
string |
Yes |
sip, sccp, webrtc, ua |
Line protocol |
line_site |
string |
Unique name of one of the Template line (defined in menu ) |
sip_username |
string |
SIP username |
sip_secret |
string |
SIP secret |
Incoming call
Field |
Type |
Required |
Values |
Description |
incall_exten |
string |
Yes |
Number for calling the user from an incoming call (i.e outside of XiVO). The number must be inside the range of acceptable numbers defined for the context. |
incall_context |
string |
Yes |
context used for calls coming from outside of XiVO |
incall_ring_seconds |
int |
Number of seconds a call will ring before ending |
Field |
Type |
Required |
Values |
Description |
voicemail_name |
string |
Yes |
Voicemail name |
voicemail_number |
string |
Yes |
Voicemail number |
voicemail_context |
string |
Yes |
Voicemail context |
voicemail_password |
string |
A sequence of digits or # |
Voicemail password |
voicemail_email |
string |
Email for sending notifications of new messages |
voicemail_attach_audio |
bool |
Enable/Disable attaching audio files to email message |
voicemail_delete_messages |
bool |
Enable/Disable deleting message after notification is sent |
voicemail_ask_password |
bool |
Enable/Disable password checking |
Call permissions
Field |
Type |
Required |
Values |
Description |
call_permissions |
string |
list separated by semicolons ( |
Names of the call permissions to assign to the user |
Importing a file
Once your file is ready, you can import it via
. At the top of the page there is a plus button. A submenu will appear when the mouse is on top. Click on Import a file.
Import Users
The following example defines 3 users who each have a phone number. The first 2 users have a SIP line, where as the last one uses SCCP:
The following example imports a user with a phone number and a voicemail:
1,John,Doe,1000,default,sip,Voicemail for John Doe,1000,default
The following exmple imports a user with both an internal and external phone number (e.g. incoming call):
CSV Update
The field list for an update is the same as for an import with the addition of the column uuid, which is mandatory. For each line in the CSV file, the updater goes through the following steps:
Find the user, using the uuid
For each resource (line, voicemail, extension, etc) find out if it already exists.
If an existing resource was found, associate it with the user. Otherwise, create it.
Update all remaining fields
The following restrictions must also be respected during update:
Columns that are not included in the CSV header will not be updated.
A field that is empty (i.e, “”) will be converted to NULL, which will unset the value.
A line’s protocol cannot be changed (i.e you cannot go from “sip” to “sccp” or vice-versa).
An incall cannot be updated if the user has more than one incall associated.
All user labels in the labels field must already exist before the update
Updating is done through the same menu as importing (
). A submenu will appear when the mouse is on top. Click on Update from file in the submenu.
Import/Update Log
Beginning, end and all import/update errors and warnings are logged to /var/log/xivo-confd.log
CSV import/update can take several minutes. If it reaches a timeout you’ll see a message in the webi explaining that the import/update continues in the background and that you should check the log to verify that it was successfully finished.
If there are any invalid CSV rows, associated warnings or errors will be printed in the log:
If there are warnings only the changes will be applied.
If there is one error or more all changes will be rollbacked.

Import or Update timeout message
CSV Export
CSV exports can be used as a scaffold for updating users, or as a means of importing users into another system. An export will generate a CSV file with the same list of columns as an import, with the addition of uuid and provisioning_code.
Exports are done through the same menu as importing (
). Click on Export to CSV in the submenu. You will be asked to download a file.