Upgrade Gaia to Helios
Before Upgrade
Reporting: During upgrade all Kibana configuration (including the dashboard) will be lost (it is stored in elasticsearch container). You MUST backup Kibana configuration before the upgrade.
After Upgrade
A new certificate was intalled for XiVO Nginx in
. This certificate will be used by the Webi. See HTTPS certificate for more information explanation.Warning
If you had installed, on the XiVO PBX, a trusted certificate you must replace this new generated certificate by the one you installed previously. Normally this means that you should copy
files into/etc/docker/nginx/ssl/xivoxc.{crt,key}
files:cp /usr/share/xivo-certs/server.crt /etc/docker/nginx/ssl/xivoxc.crt cp /usr/share/xivo-certs/server.key /etc/docker/nginx/ssl/xivoxc.key
And then reload Nginx:
xivo-dcomp reload nginx
See Install Trusted Certificate for Nginx (and UC app in UC Addon mode) for generic explanation.
UC-Addon: A new certificate was installed for XiVO Nginx in
. This certificate will be used by the XiVO Webi and the UC application. See HTTPS certificate for more information explanation.Warning
You most probably had installed a trusted certificate to be able to use UC application. In this case you must replace this new generated certificate by the one you installed previously. Normally this means that you should copy
files into/etc/docker/nginx/ssl/xivoxc.{crt,key}
files:cp /usr/share/xivo-certs/server.crt /etc/docker/nginx/ssl/xivoxc.crt cp /usr/share/xivo-certs/server.key /etc/docker/nginx/ssl/xivoxc.key
And then reload Nginx:
xivo-dcomp reload nginx
See Install Trusted Certificate for Nginx (and UC app in UC Addon mode) for generic explanation.
The last 7 days of data will be re-replicated to Elasticsearch, see Data flow. It may take some time if you have a huge amount of calls per week (more than 1 hour if you have 2 million of queue_log per week).
XDS installation only: you need to update the nginx configuration for WebRTC on MDS if you had already followed the Enable WebRTC on MDS
On your XiVO CC hosting the nginx server, edit the file
(if this file doesn’t exist on your server you can skip this)Inside the location,
remove all the lines containing the parameters:
proxy_buffering off
and replace it by the two following includes:
include /etc/nginx/xivo/proxy-ws_params; include /etc/nginx/xivo/proxy_params;
be sure to keep the
keepalive_timeout 180s
Below is an example before/after with mds1 as MDS_NAME:
location /wssip-mds1 { auth_request /validatetoken; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_buffering off; proxy_connect_timeout 1m; proxy_read_timeout 5m; proxy_send_timeout 5m; keepalive_timeout 180s; }
location /wssip-mds1 { auth_request /validatetoken; proxy_pass; include /etc/nginx/xivo/proxy-ws_params; include /etc/nginx/xivo/proxy_params; keepalive_timeout 180s; }
Access to deprecated API:
The DEPRECATED_API_HOST variable is now set to XIVO_HOST as default to allow XIVO_HOST to use agent related function keys.
If the variable was previously set in custom.env, the value will also be reseted to XIVO_HOST.
The value can be changed by setting the allowed IP addresses to the DEPRECATED_HOST_VARIABLE in the
On Edge
If you already had a Edge server installed and configured in Gaia. Then you need to:
add and fill the
var in the.env
file of the Edge Web Serveradd and fill the
var in the.env
file of the Edge TURN Server - follow TURN Server Relay Authorization