XiVO dird
xivo-dird is the directory server for XiVO. It offers a simple REST interface to query all directories that are configured. xivo-dird is extendable with plugins.
Launching xivo-dird
usage: xivo-dird [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d] [-f] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-u USER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
The path where is the config file. Default: /etc/xivo-dird/config.yml
-d, --debug Log debug messages. Overrides log_level. Default:
-f, --foreground Foreground, don't daemonize. Default: False
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
Logs messages with LOG_LEVEL details. Must be one of:
critical, error, warning, info, debug. Default: info
-u USER, --user USER The owner of the process.
A back-end is a connector to query a specific type of directory, e.g. one back-end to query LDAP servers, another back-end to query CSV files, etc.
A source is an instance of a back-end. One backend may be used multiples times to query multiple directories of the same type. For example, I could have the customer-csv and the employee-csv sources, each using the CSV back-end, but reading a different file.
A plugin is an extension point in xivo-dird. It is a way to add or modify the functionality of xivo-dird. There are currently three types of plugins:
Back-ends to query different types of directories (LDAP, CSV, etc.)
Services to provide different directory actions (lookup, reverse lookup, etc.)
Views to expose directory results in different formats (JSON, XML, etc.)
See http://MY_XIVO/api, section XiVO Dird.