Recording configuration

This page describes how to configure the recording feature for XiVO Solutions. This feature needs some additionnal installation steps which are described here.

Configure recording

To configure recording there are two steps to follow on XiVO PBX:

  1. Add link towards Recording Server,
  2. and Enable recording with the subroutines.

2. Enable recording with subroutines


Steps to be done on XiVO PBX

To enable the recording you have to configure one of the shipped subroutines.

The package xivocc-recording (see recording installation section) ships the following dialplan subroutines :

Subroutine Description
xivocc-incall-recording Records incoming calls
xivocc-incall-recording-paused Records incoming calls, but record starts in paused state and can be activated by the agent (see agent recording configuration)
xivocc-outcall-recording Records outgoing calls
xivocc-outcall-recording-paused Records outgoing calls, but record starts in paused state and can be activated by the agent (see agent recording configuration)

These subroutines are to be configured on the following XiVO PBX objects (either globally or per-object):


They MUST be configured only on the following objects. Other configuration are not supported.

  • Incalls,
  • and/or Queues,
  • and/or Users,
  • and/or Outcall


Here is an example if you want to enable recording for:

  • all Outcalls but started in pause state,
  • all Queues,
  • and only on Incall 0123456789

Then you would have to:

  1. Enable call recording for all queues and outcalls by editing the configuration file /etc/xivo/asterisk/xivo_globals.conf and set:

    XIVO_PRESUBR_GLOBAL_QUEUE = xivocc-incall-recording
    XIVO_PRESUBR_GLOBAL_OUTCALL = xivocc-outcall-recording-paused
  2. Enable the call recording for incall 0123456789 by editing it via the XiVO PBX web interface and set the field Pre-process subroutine to xivocc-incall-recording

Recording filtering configuration


Steps to be done on XiVO CC

After having followed above paragraphs, you can also configure the recording filtering.

  1. Add a user with Administrateur rights for Recording Server:
    1. Connect to the Config Management interface : http://<XIVO_CC_IP>:9100 (login avencall/superpass),
    2. Add one of the XiVO PBX user giving him Administrateur rights,
  2. Configure excluded numbers on Recording Server
    1. Then, connect with this user to the Recording Server interface : http://<XIVO_CC_IP>:9400
    2. Navigate to the page Contrôle d'enregistrement and add the numbers to be excluded from the recording.

In list Destinataire de l’appel (Numéro entrant, File d’attente, Utilisateur) declare the:

  • XiVO Incalls numbers,
  • XiVO Queues numbers,
  • or XiVO Users numbers

to be excluded from the recording on incoming or internal call. These numbers will be checked by the xivocc-incall-recording subroutines.


numbers must be entered as they first appear in dialplan (check is made against XIVO_DSTNUM dialplan variable).

In list Emetteur ou destinataire d’un appel sortant (Utilisateur ou numéro appelé externe) declare the:

  • XiVO Users internal numbers

to be excluded from recording on outgoing calls. These numbers will be checked by the xivocc-outcall-recording subroutines.


check is made against XIVO_SRCNUM dialplan variable.

Recording file purge

Recording files are automatically deleted after the configured time (set during installation, see Installation). However you can mark recording to be deleted before the configured expiration time by attaching a specific data to the call you want to disguard recording for. The attached data key to set is xivo_recording_expiration and the value should be a datetime formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Gateway recording configuration

No doc currently