.. _recording_configuration: *********************** Recording configuration *********************** This page describes how to configure the recording feature for XiVO Solutions. This feature needs some additionnal :ref:`installation steps which are described here `. Configure recording =================== To configure recording there are two steps to follow on *XiVO PBX*: #. Add link towards Recording Server, #. and Enable recording with the subroutines. 1. Add link towards Recording Server ------------------------------------ .. note:: Steps to be done on **XiVO PBX** The first step is to configure the link towards the Recording Server by running the configuration script: .. code-block:: bash xivocc-recording-config During the configuration, you will be asked for : * the Recording Server IP (i.e. * the *XiVO PBX* name (it must not contain any space or "-" character). If you configure more more than one *XiVO PBX* on the same Recording Server, you must give a different name to each of them. After having configured the recording, you have to enable it via sub-routines. See below. 2. Enable recording with subroutines ------------------------------------ .. note:: Steps to be done on **XiVO PBX** To enable the recording you have to configure one of the shipped subroutines. The package ``xivocc-recording`` (see :ref:`recording installation section `) ships the following dialplan subroutines : =================================== ========================== Subroutine Description =================================== ========================== ``xivocc-incall-recording`` Records incoming calls ``xivocc-incall-recording-paused`` Records incoming calls, but record starts in paused state and can be activated by the agent (see :ref:`agent recording configuration `) ``xivocc-outcall-recording`` Records outgoing calls ``xivocc-outcall-recording-paused`` Records outgoing calls, but record starts in paused state and can be activated by the agent (see :ref:`agent recording configuration `) =================================== ========================== These subroutines are to be configured on the following *XiVO PBX* objects (either globally or per-object): .. warning:: They **MUST** be configured **only** on the following objects. Other configuration **are not supported**. * Incalls, * and/or Queues, * and/or Users, * and/or Outcall ---- .. note:: Here is an **example** if you want to enable recording for: * *all* Outcalls but started in pause state, * *all* Queues, * and *only on* Incall 0123456789 Then you would have to: #. Enable call recording for *all* queues and outcalls by editing the configuration file :file:`/etc/xivo/asterisk/xivo_globals.conf` and set:: XIVO_PRESUBR_GLOBAL_QUEUE = xivocc-incall-recording ... XIVO_PRESUBR_GLOBAL_OUTCALL = xivocc-outcall-recording-paused #. Enable the call recording for incall 0123456789 by editing it via the *XiVO PBX* web interface and set the field :menuselection:`Pre-process subroutine` to ``xivocc-incall-recording`` .. _recording_filtering_configuration: Recording filtering configuration ================================= .. note:: Steps to be done on **XiVO CC** After having followed above paragraphs, you can also configure the recording filtering. #. Add a user with Administrateur rights for Recording Server: #. Connect to the Config Management interface : http://:9100 (login avencall/superpass), #. Add one of the *XiVO PBX* user giving him *Administrateur* rights, #. Configure excluded numbers on Recording Server #. Then, connect with this user to the Recording Server interface : http://:9400 #. Navigate to the page ``Contrôle d'enregistrement`` and add the numbers to be excluded from the recording. In list :menuselection:`Destinataire de l'appel (Numéro entrant, File d'attente, Utilisateur)` declare the: * XiVO Incalls numbers, * XiVO Queues numbers, * or XiVO Users numbers to be excluded from the recording on incoming or internal call. These numbers will be checked by the ``xivocc-incall-recording`` subroutines. .. note:: numbers must be entered as they first appear in dialplan (check is made against XIVO_DSTNUM dialplan variable). In list :menuselection:`Emetteur ou destinataire d'un appel sortant (Utilisateur ou numéro appelé externe)` declare the: * XiVO Users internal numbers to be excluded from recording on outgoing calls. These numbers will be checked by the ``xivocc-outcall-recording`` subroutines. .. note:: check is made against XIVO_SRCNUM dialplan variable. .. _recording_purge_expiration: Recording file purge ==================== Recording files are automatically deleted after the configured time (set during installation, see :ref:`ccinstallation`). However you can mark recording to be deleted before the configured expiration time by attaching a specific data to the call you want to disguard recording for. The attached data key to set is ``xivo_recording_expiration`` and the value should be a datetime formatted as ``yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss`` .. _recording_gw_configuration: Gateway recording configuration =============================== *No doc currently*