User API

Login and Authentication

Users can connect using login, password and phone number:

var wsurl = "ws://"+server+"/xuc/api/2.0/cti?token="+token;

Directory And Favorites

Cti.directoryLookUp: function(term)

This command deprecates previously used Cti.searchDirectory(pattern). This command deprecates previously used Cti.searchDirectory(pattern) removed in xuc xivo16 versions.

Associated Handler


Triggered by command Cti.directoryLookUp(pattern).

    "msgType": "DirectoryResult",
    "ctiMessage": {
       "entries": [
           { "status": 0, "entry": [ "hawkeye", "pierce", "1002", "0761187406", "false"]},
           { "status": -2, "entry": [ "peter", "pan", "1004", "", "false"]}
           ["Firstname", "Lastname", "Number", "Mobile", "Favorite"]

Cti.getFavorites: function()

Retrieve all the favorites defined for the user connected

Cti.addFavorite: function(contactId, source)

To set a contact (e.g. from search results) as favorite, source is the directory where favorite will be owned.

Cti.removeFavorite: function(contactId, source)

User Methods


Depreciated Update user status using a Cti server configured status name. (Use Cti.pauseAgent(agentId, reason) instead for agent only)


Retrieves user’s display name by providing it’s username.

Cti.setUserPreference(key, value, value_type)

Update user’s preference key. See UserPreferences keys for the list of existing keys.

User Events

User Statuses

  • Cti.MessageType.USERSTATUSES : “UsersStatuses”


The UsersStatuses message is DEPRECATED and should not be used. Use the ctiStatus message instead.

List all the statuses configured on XiVO to know which are possible pause reasons.

      {"name":"berightback","color":"#F2833A","longName":"Bientôt de retour","actions":[{"name":"enablednd","parameters":"false"}]},
      {"name":"ook","color":"#FF0F0F","longName":"Far Away","actions":[{"name":"queuepause_all","parameters":"true"}]},
      {"name":"outtolunch","color":"#6CA6FF","longName":"Parti Manger","actions":[{"name":"queuepause_all","parameters":"true"},
      {"name":"donotdisturb","color":"#D13224","longName":"Ne pas déranger","actions":[{"name":"enablednd","parameters":"true"}]}

CTI Status

  • Cti.MessageType.CTISTATUSES : “CtiStatuses”

List all the statuses configured on XiVO to know which are possible pause reasons.

      {"name":"disconnected","displayName":"Déconnecté","status": 2},
      {"name":"ook","displayName":"Far Away","status": 1},
      {"name":"outtolunch","displayName":"Parti Manger","status": 1},
      {"name":"available","displayName":"Disponible","status": 0},

User Status Update

  • Cti.MessageType.USERSTATUSUPDATE : “UserStatusUpdate”,

Depreciated Triggered when user changes status (while calling Cti.changeUserStatus())

User Config Update

  • Cti.MessageType.USERCONFIGUPDATE : “UserConfigUpdate”,

Triggered when config of the user is updated. This happens if forward config is modified or voicemail for example. Any change of the following attribute might trigger this event.

        "fullName":"Alice Johnson",

User Preference Update

  • Cti.MessageType.USERPREFERENCE : “UserPreference”,

Triggered on login to retrieve all user preferences. Then triggered when a user preference is updated.

            "value": "TypePhoneDevice",
            "value_type": "String"
        }, "MOBILE_APP_INFO": {
            "value": "true",
            "value_type": "Boolean"

UserPreferences keys

The existing keys are :

  • PREFERRED_DEVICE: can be TypePhoneDevice or TypeDefaultDevice

  • MOBILE_APP_INFO: can be true or false