On first launch the application will display the settings page and ask for the application server. Basically it should be the IP address of your server If you don’t know it, you need to ask your system administrator or refer to Protocol and Application Server paragraph.
By clicking the ? menu you will open a popup that show you technical information about the application that can be used to report bugs.
Settings page is either accessible from top menu or by clicking directly on the wrench icon in topmost right bar.

User Interface
Choose if you want to use the Desktop Assistant to access the UC Assistant application or the CC Agent application.
Application Options
Launch at startup if enabled, the app starts automatically when you log in to your machine.
Close in tray if enabled, the app stays running in the notification area after app window is closed.
Global keyboard shortcut and Select2Call
This field allow you to define one shortcut in application to handle all basic actions that can be done for managing calls. With one combination keypress you should be able to:
Call the phone number contained in your clipboard (a.k.a Select2Call)
Answer a call if phone is ringing
Hangup if you are already on call
Linux: select phone number then trigger shortcut
Windows: select phone number, type
then trigger shortcut
Default Select2Call shortcut is Ctrl+Space
for Windows and Linux, you can either change it or disable it by leaving the field blank.
You must be logged in for using global shortcut and automatic dialing to work.
Protocol and Application Server
In these two fields you need to specify the protocol and address to reach the application. The table below list the possible value:
Connection URL |
Protocol |
Secure (recommended) |
Non Secure (should not be used) |
Application server |
Note that XiVOCC_IP
or XiVOCC_IP:8070
can be replaced by a FQDN if your administrator has set one and must not be prefixed by a protocol (e.g. https)
Handling callto: and tel: URLs
The Desktop Application can handle telephone number links that appear in web pages. The Desktop Application will automatically dial the number when you click on a link.
It is supported on both Windows and Linux Debian based distributions (with a desktop environment compatible with Freedesktop).
Config file
You can specify your Desktop Assistant parameters by providing a xivoconfig.ini
file or by editing the one that gets created automatically
on first launch.
Below is an example of xivoconfig.ini file keys in use:
My favorite server =
Another server =
My localhost server =
- Define the use of HTTPS or HTTP connection.Values:
(default toHTTPS
- The server used by the Desktop Assistant.Either an URL (e.g. or an IP:PORT (e.g.
- Which application to open between UC Assistant or CC Agent.Values:
- APP_STARTUP (optional)
- Enable open at startup of OS.Values:
- APP_CLOSE (optional)
- Enable minimization in the taskbar when closing the application.Values:
- [ALT_SERVERS] (optional)
- Override APP_DOMAIN to enable the use of a preset server list dropdown instead of a text input in the settings menu.One pair of name-address per line.Values:
On Windows, the application will check at startup for a new version of the application and offer to upgrade if one is available.
The update will always use the protocol selected in the application settings.
To have automatic update working on secured protocol, you need a valid SSL certificate (see Install trusted certificate for nginx).

On Debian, the update relies on the package manager behavior. However you can check for any update by issuing the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache policy xivo-desktop-assistant
Startup options
The Desktop Application can be started with following options:
to disable certificate verification, this option is meant only for test purposes. You can use it with self-signed certificates.-d
to enable debug menu items-t
with an authentication token as parameter (see Custom user data directory)
On Windows both options must be set to the shortcut xivo-desktop-assistant.exe
pointing to application located in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\xivo\xivo-desktop-assistant.exe
so that Target of shortcut looks like for example to:
C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\xivo\xivo-desktop-assistant.exe --ignore-certificate-errors -d
Custom user data directory
It is possible to set an environment variable named CUSTOM_USER_DATA
where will be stored application configuration. This is usefull if you want for example two shortcuts with two distincts configuration (one for UC Assistant and one for CC Agent) on the same desktop application installed.
On Windows here an example of two shortcuts that set the environment variable (uc or cc) and launch the application. Following lines must be updated with your Windows user name and correct XiVO version and must be set in Target
field of the shortcut).
UC assistant:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /V /C "SET CUSTOM_USER_DATA=C:/Users/IEUser/AppData/Local/xivo-desktop-assistant/uc&& START /D ^"C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\xivo-desktop-assistant\app-2018.7.0^" xivo-desktop-assistant.exe"
CC ccagent:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /V /C "SET CUSTOM_USER_DATA=C:/Users/IEUser/AppData/Local/xivo-desktop-assistant/cc&& START /D ^"C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\xivo-desktop-assistant\app-2018.7.0^" xivo-desktop-assistant.exe"
You can set Run mode to Minimized in shortcut General tab to avoid cmd.exe blinking at startup.
Chrome integration
If you don’t want to have a Chrome popup like this one when you click each time on a tel: link on Windows to make a call through your desktop application

You can edit your registry base to modify this Chrome key to avoid this display each time you want to call someone from a webpage
Known limitations
Click on links using protocol tel: on Windows may not work if any version of Skype / Lync is installed on the PC.
Troubleshoot Application
Logs of application are available in order to debug a crash at startup or during usage of the application. They do not contain Javascript console logs, but only the interactions with operating system, like global shortcut key or callto and tel protocol.
Desktop Application Developper Tools
If needed, you can use the developper console to diagnose a problem “live”. To access the console, right click on the xivo cloud on the top left corner of your application

Then, in the ‘debug’ menu, you can either open the devtool, or the webview’s devtool
The normal devtool is the one for the electron application. In this one, you will moslty find errors about shortcut keys, callto and tel protocol, network, and everything system-related.
The webview devtool is the one for what’s opened inside the desktop application, so the ccagent or the ucassistant. this devtool is the same one that you get when you open the devtool from the web application in Chrome. You will mostly find network errors or the errors that are specific to the ucassistant and ccagent features.
The main reason to open devtools is to display the console, but you have another functionality used by the desktop application that you might need to debug : the localstorage. It’s located in the application tab of the electron devtool. To check the variables set there, you need to click localstorage on the left, and click file://.

The variables that are set in there are the one coming from the xivoconfig.ini (except for the shortcut) and could be the cause of a wrong configuration.
Desktop Application Useful shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + D toggle the docking of the devtool.
Ctrl + Shift + R refresh the page and clear the cache at the same time.
Ctrl + L clear the console.
Ctrl + Q kill the application.
If you don’t succeed to reach login page of desired application (i.e. just give you the possibility to retry or to change parameters) and if you observe some errors about certificate in debug mode, you should
Check that you installed correctly the certificate under /etc/docker/nginx/ssl (Signed SSL/TLS certificate for WebRTC).
Take care if your move a *.cer to *.crt. You must concatenate a key file to your *.cer (
cat certifcate.cer certificate.key > certificate.crt
). Just rename it will not workCheck that XUC_HOST in /etc/docker/compose/custom.env is also configured with the same FQDN as in the certificate, not the IP address.