History API
This API to retrieve any kind of call history (user, agent, queue, customer…)
A sample of implementation is available in app/assets/javascripts/pages/sampleHistory.js and app/views/sample/sampleHistory.scala.html
History Methods
Get the call history of the logged in user, limited to the last size calls. If size is null, the last 10 days of history will be returned.
Get the call history of the logged in user, limited to the last days days.
Get the call history of the logged in agent, limited to the last size calls.
Cti.getQueueCallHistory(queue, size)
Get a call history for a queue or a set of queues. You may pass part of a queue name (not display name).
i.e. pass bl if you want to match queue name blue, black and blow
History Events
Associated Handler CALLHISTORY
Received when calling Cti.getUserCallHistory(size) or Cti.getUserCallHistoryByDays(days).
CALLHISTORY : “CallHistory”
"start":"2022-09-08 10:32:50",
Received when calling Cti.getAgentCallHistory(size).
CALLHISTORY : “CallHistory”
"start":"2014-01-01 08:00:00",
For queue calls status can be :
full - full queue
closed - closed queue
joinempty - call arrived on empty queue
leaveempty - exit when queue becomes empty
divert_ca_ratio -call redirected because the ratio waiting calls/agents was exceeded
divert_waittime - call redirected because estimated waiting time was exceeded;
answered - call answered
abandoned - call abandoned
timeout - maximum waiting time exceeded
For other calls