
The UC Assistant and CC Agent are available as desktop application through Electron packaging, to be able to use these applications in a standalone executable you need to deploy this container first on client machine.

Windows (64bits)

To download the latest version available on your environment, just open the following url from your computer:


and then start the downloaded program.


If you have a secured installation (using https/wss) the port can be omitted as the default port is already 443, generally speaking use the uc-assistant URL followed by /install/win64.

Linux (Debian 64bits)

To install the latest version, you need to add a repository linked to the xucmgt host. Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xivo-desktop-assistant.list containing the following line:

deb [trusted=yes] http://<xucmgt_host>:<xucmgt_port>/updates/debian jessie contrib


  • <xucmgt_host> by the xucmgt service IP address (usually the XiVO CC host IP address)
  • <xucmgt_port> by the xucmgt service port (default: 8070)

Then run

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xivo-desktop-assistant


This repository is currently not signed at all.