Upgrade Polaris to Aldebaran

In this section are listed the manual steps to do when migrating from Polaris to Aldebaran.

Before Upgrade

  • If docker is installed (on XiVO PBX or XiVO CC), its custom start options may cause the upgrade to fail. Please check that /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d directory does not exist or it is empty. Otherwise see documentation on docker web.


  • XiVO Aldebaran is only available in 64-bit versions. To migrate XiVO from i386 to amd64, you must follow Migrate XiVO from i386 (32 bits) to amd64 (64 bits).

  • Configuration files and dialplan subroutine for ACD outgoing calls for call blending (See Polaris documentation) was integrated to XiVO. The configuration must be manually removed if it exists:

    sed -i '/generate_agent_skills.py/d' /etc/asterisk/queueskills.conf
    rm /usr/local/sbin/generate_agent_skills.py
    rm /etc/asterisk/extensions_extra.d/xuc_outcall_acd.conf
  • If the XiVO was added to XiVO Centralized User Management, the file routage.conf must be updated.

    • Download the new routage.conf file
    • Replace the old file /etc/asterisk/extensions_extra.d/routage.conf by the new one
  • Follow the Upgrade page.


Nothing specific, follow the Upgrade page.

After Upgrade


  • Outgoing call was removed from redirections.

    You MUST check the xivo-upgrade log with the following command:

    zgrep MIGRATE_OUTCALL_FWD /var/log/xivo-upgrade.log*

    Then you MUST edit each object to reconfigure the changed destination. All Outgoing call redirections can be replaced by an Extension redirection with the appropriate context. For example an outgoing redirection towards “my_outcall (@to-extern)” to number “0123456789” can be replaced by an extension redirection to “0123456789” with context “to-extern”

  • Callbacks: callback API URL was changed. It is now prefixed with configmgt. If you have any AGI calling the callbacks API (for example api/1.0/callback_lists) you MUST add the prefix configmgt to it : configmgt/api/1.0/callback_lists.

  • ConfigMgt service was moved to XiVO PBX. Here’s how to migrate the ConfigMgt database:

    • On your XiVO CC (where the service pgxivocc is run) authorize user root to login with password via ssh,

    • Then on your XiVO CC, stop the services with xivocc-dcomp stop

    • Then, on your XiVO PBX, run the migration script and follow the instruction:

    • Finally, when migration is complete, relaunch the services on XiVO CC:

      xivocc-dcomp up -d --remove-orphans


  • Update new kibana default panels:

    xivocc-dcomp stop kibana_volumes
    docker rm -v xivocc_kibana_volumes_1
    xivocc-dcomp up -d