Release Notes

Deneb (2019.12)

Below is a list of New Features and Behavior Changes compared to the previous LTS version, Callisto (2019.05).

New Features


  • Common features:
    • 3-parties conference for WebRTC
    • Can search with spaces
    • Searches for XIVO users (users on the same XiVO) are insensitive to spaces and diacritics (accented characters)
    • Can open an external directory by setting an URL in the remote configuration - see CC Agent External Directory or UC External Direcxtory
  • UC Assistant:
    • Rework of the UC design - see UC Assistant:
      • Call control moved in the application header to always be available whatever the selected tab
      • New Conversation menu to display chat conversations
    • Chat: new Instant messaging feature - see Instant Messaging
    • History:
  • CC Agent:
    • Manage the activity’s failed destination: can display the destination and change it to a sound or a default queue - see Activity’s Failed Destination

Desktop Assistant:

  • User interface toggle (between UC Assistant and CC Agent) inside the parameter menu - see User Interface
  • Can use a xivoconfig.ini file to pre-configure the assistant - see Config file
  • Autolog a user with his token - see Autologin with a token
  • Improved support of screen resolutions and zoom factors (specially on multi-display configuration)

Other Applications:

  • CC Manager:
  • Rights:
    • New dissuasion access rights to grant activity’s failed destination management - see Profiles Definition



  • ELK migrated to version 7



  • (XiVO CC) Postgresql data are not in a volume anymore. It was migrated to the host machine. Therefore the pgxivocc container is now stateless (it can be removed and re-created without any harm)

Behavior Changes


  • WebRTC: for WebRTC you must use a version of Chrome >= 73.0.3683.121

  • UC Assistant:

    • Rework of the UC design - see UC Assistant:
      • Call control moved in the application header to always be available whatever the selected tab
      • New Conversation menu to display chat conversations
    • History:
  • CC Agent:

    • (since Deneb.16) History: Agent Call history is now limited to the last 7 days: it displays the last 20 calls for the last 7 days period (previously it was displaying the last 20 calls with no period limit - which could overload the Reporting Server).
  • Desktop application:


  • ELK stack was migrated to the version 7. There’s a manual procedure to temporarily enable the previous version - see ELK 7 Upgrade Notes
  • Elasticseach is feeded by Logstash every 1 min (db_replic is not used for Elasticsearch anymore) - see Data flow
  • Elasticsearch is configured to keep 1 month of data (previously it was 7 days) - see Data flow


  • WebRTC: To create webrtc line, the webrtc option MUST be set to yes. During upgrade, lines created with webrtc option set to something else than yes will be set to yes. Previously, whatever the value of the webrtc option, the line was created with the appropriate WebRTC option.
  • The XiVO Reporting was removed from the solution. One must use the XiVO CC Reporting.


  • XiVO PBX: nginx and webi are now run inside a container - see Nginx:
    • Customization of the services to be used through nginx are no longer supported
  • XiVO CC:
    • Postgresql data are not in a volume anymore. It was migrated to the host machine. Therefore the pgxivocc container is now stateless (it can be removed and re-created without any harm)
    • During upgrade new dockezr network xivocc_default will be created using network



Don’t forget the specific steps to upgrade to another LTS version - see Manual steps for LTS upgrade

Follow the usual upgrade procedures:

Deneb Bugfixes Versions

Components version table

Table listing the current version of the components.

Component current ver.
XiVO PBX 2019.12.22
config_mgt 2019.12.00
db 2019.12.06
outcall 2019.12.16
db_replic 2019.12.00
nginx 2019.12.06
webi 2019.12.16
elasticsearch 7.3.1
kibana 7.3.1
logstash 2019.12.22
nginx 2019.12.00
pack-reporting 2019.12.16
pgxivocc 1.3
recording-rsync 1.0
recording-server 2019.12.20
spagobi 2019.12.00
xivo-full-stats 2019.12.22
xuc 2019.12.22
xucmgt 2019.12.22


2019.12.22 (Deneb.22)

Consult the 2019.12.22 (Deneb.22) Roadmap.

Components updated: logstash, xivo-config, xivo-full-stats, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #5347 - XDS - prevent loops between MDS (dialplan)


  • #4751 - Upgrade logstash to 7.16.2


    Behavior change Logstash was upgraded from 7.1.1 to 7.16.2 to fully mitigate Log4j security flaw.

  • #4798 - [C] - Missing answer time for consultation call (queue call with transfer to another queue) in call_on_queue table


  • #5346 - Cannot make webrtc audio calls with Chrome 103 - Deneb


Consult the Deneb.21 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #4222 - WebRTC Unified Plan Support - Deneb


    Behavior change WebRTC requires now Chrome version >= 73.0.3683.121.

    WebRTC now uses so-called Unified Plan for SDP (instead of Plan-B).


  • #4033 - MDS - some logs are not rotated


Consult the Deneb.20 Roadmap.

Components updated: recording-server, xucmgt

Desktop Assistant

  • #3889 - Electron squirrel build issue


  • #3852 - Purge date is wrong in logs


Consult the Deneb.17 Roadmap.

Components updated: recording-server


  • #3834 - [C] - Recorded files are not seekable and hardly downloadable under Chrome browser


Consult the Deneb.16 Roadmap.

Components updated: pack-reporting, recording-server, sipml5-xivo-mirror, xivo-dist, xivo-outcall, xivo-service, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3356 - ccmanager : wrong translations for dissuasion tab


  • #3474 - Chat does not work in case the user is forcefully logged out

Desktop Assistant

  • #3368 - Language difference between desktop and web assistant
  • #3465 - Fix XiVO Desktop Application - Missing “S” to “Contact”
  • #3615 - Deneb - Desktop Application callto and global shortcut key does not work until refreshing


  • #3650 - [C] - Recording server - purge don’t work when high number of file


  • #3634 - stats - hangup_time for an incoming call to a queue transferred to another queue is sometime missing in call_on_queue

  • #3717 - [C] - Lots of agent history request can load the reporting server


    Behavior change Agent Call history is now limited to the last 7 days: it displays the last 20 calls for the last 7 days period (previously it was displaying the last 20 calls with no period limit - which could overload the Reporting Server)

Web Assistant

  • #3626 - Presence is not seen unless user has a voicemail or connects to assistant


  • #3494 - Xuc sample page: Webrtc can’t be initialized

XUC Server

  • #3587 - RabbitMQ connection is not retried if failed at xuc startup


  • #3485 - (Deneb) User with accents in name can’t call a WebRTC user
  • #3560 - Set apt sources correctly for future LTS with xivo-dist
  • #3603 - XDS - XiVO services are started by monit on mds after stopping all
  • #3642 - [C] - Order function key listing in user form list
  • #3688 - [C] - Outcall - nb of connection to the database


Consult the Deneb.15 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucserver

XUC Server

  • #3353 - Agent state changes from Pause to Ready after editing user in webi
  • #3416 - Transfer completion fails: call parties remain on hold


Consult the Deneb.14 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-full-stats, xivo-web-interface, xucserver


  • #3325 - stats - hangup_time for an incoming call to a queue transferred to another queue is missing


  • #3311 - Monit buttons don’t work


Consult the Deneb.13 Roadmap.

Components updated: pack-reporting, sipml5-xivo-mirror, xivo-auth, xivo-confd, xivo-ctid, xivo-manage-db, xivo-monitoring, xivo-provd-plugins, xivo-purge-db, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3277 - Put asterisk 16.9.0-xivo1 by default in Deneb

Desktop Assistant

  • #3193 - [C] - callto/tel links containing spaces are not handled properly in Chrome


  • #3157 - Add xc_ tables to existing purge mechanism

  • #3171 - Kibana - Some columns from queue_logs are not mapped into kibana


    Behavior change The kibana.json file was updated. Follow the Import Default Configuration and Demo Dashboards section to update the demo dashboard. Take care that it will overwrite the default dashboard and visualization: if you had changed them you’ll lose these changes.

Web Assistant

  • #3136 - [C] - History display on ucassistant on Windows is broken (the date overlap the clock)


  • #3126 - Audio stream is not released when rejecting a call

XUC Server

  • #2776 - Agent may not have dissuasion rights after login if he also uses UC Assistant
  • #2935 - Qualification download from the ccmanager timeout
  • #3138 - User may appear in a conference without beeing part of it
  • #3168 - [C] - Some users can’t receive FlashText


  • #2374 - [C] - Enhance CSV update/import by removing the duplicate calls to provd

  • #2749 - xivo-auth and rabbitmq (erlang) take a lot of RAM and cause XiVO overload

  • #3038 - Webi - the context list for parameter Exit Context does not list the contexts of type Service


    Behavior change Queue parameter Exit Context can now be set to context of type Service

  • #3055 - Doc - Enable/Disable modification of SIP line username and password in webi

  • #3159 - XDS - Monit should supervise asterisk on MDS

  • #3167 - [C] - Enhance CSV update/import by adding a message in confd logs when import/update is actually finished

  • #3196 - Do not show wrong user’s context in the incoming DID menu

  • #3209 - CEL should be purged on MDS servers

XiVO Provisioning

  • #3202 - Aastra Firmware link dead


Consult the Deneb.12 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-agid, xivo-config


  • #3244 - XDS - Improve reporting for SLIT for forward scenario


Consult the Deneb.11 Roadmap.

Components updated: recording-server


  • #3210 - Add webservice for CEL retrieval from CC database


Consult the Deneb.10 Roadmap.

Components updated: pack-reporting, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #2983 - [C] - realtime statistics thresholds when changed in conf are not displayed in CC Manager

Desktop Assistant

  • #3065 - Migration from older version to newest version cause electron localstorage problems


  • #3107 - [OPT] Be able to deactivate the stop/start recording depending the queue recording mode


    Behavior change Recording rules action can be disabled by setting the variable ENABLE_RECORDING_RULES to false in docker-xivocc.yml - see Automatic Stop/Start Recording On Queues.


  • #3079 - [C] - log rotation for specific-stats.log does not work as expected

Web Assistant

  • #3070 - Add external view sample page in xucmgt


Consult the Deneb.09 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucmgt

Web Assistant

  • #3061 - Integrate external directory service inside ucassistant search bar


Consult the Deneb.08 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-dird, xivo-full-stats, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #3008 - Display the custom pause status in agent list


  • #2966 - [C] - In agent view, when editing an agent, can’t order on column

Desktop Assistant

  • #2995 - conference error when reconnecting to ucassistant (port to Deneb)
  • #3002 - Install link for Dekstop Assistant is broken (only in dev)
  • #3042 - [C] - Click to call crashes desktop application
  • #3052 - Using callto: or tel: does not work if application was not started


  • #2997 - [C] - Call history does not show calls from Group

Web Assistant

  • #2989 - CallerID name display error when call comes from a Group


  • #2955 - Video calls works one way only (Caller doesn’t see callee video)


  • #2364 - XDS - Phone statuses are not correct after xuc restart
  • #2996 - [C] - Can’t create connect/disconnect agent key
  • #3007 - [C] - Error when adding a user to a group when creating this user

XiVO Provisioning

  • #3013 - [C] - Snom, directory lookup does not work for phones with fw 10 (and above)

XiVOCC Infra

  • #2994 - Fix xucmgt / desktop assistant build
  • #3034 - Old Kibana compose override file is not compatible with the main


Consult the Deneb.07 Roadmap.

Components updated: recording-server, xivo-dao


  • #2972 - [C] - Recorded calls which do not enter a queue are not displayed in the recording interface


  • #2980 - Confd Agent Api : Endpoint to list all users doesn’t include agentid


Consult the Deneb.06 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-confgend, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-db, xivo-monitoring, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xivocc-recording, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #2959 - Not logging CEL if database is not ready when asterisk starts (again)


  • #2958 - Recording of number not to be recorded is still recorded


  • #2897 - [C] - Display report for one week show statistics for 2 weeks


    Behavior change Two packs of reports are now shipped: * *

    Links are available in each LTS version documentation, xx versioning corresponds to the higher version available of the reports in the zip. It should ease you to identify quickly if your reports are up to date or not.

XUC Server

  • #2568 - MDS users don’t see participants of a conference in UC Assistant

  • #2663 - Sheet event is taken into account on UC clients


    Behavior change The executable run by the sheet event will be run by default on the desktop Agent but not on the desktop Assistant.

    To run an executable on the desktop Assistant, you need to set the popupassistant variable to true and add it in a subroutine on a user.

    For more details see the Screen Popup, Screen popup on UC Assistant and Run executable sections.

  • #2942 - Phone status of other users is wrong in UC Assistant

  • #2957 - Transfer to conference via Assistant does not subscribe caller to conference events


  • #2569 - XDS - Callerid of mds conference participants is wrong

  • #2911 - XDS - Installing from script, if DB cnx to XiVO Main is not OK, install fails but cannot be easily restored

  • #2944 - Source number is wrong when you call with UC Assistant from a MDS (Deneb)

  • #2954 - Disabled extensions are still generated in the dialplan


    Behavior change Disabled users will no longer be generated in dialplan. This bugfix will enable them to keep the real configuration unchanged.


Consult the Deneb.05 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucmgt


  • #2946 - Error “MISSING_LINE” when logging on CCAgent with an agent w/o line


Consult the Deneb.04 Roadmap.

Components updated: xucmgt

Desktop Assistant

  • #2941 - config folder cannot be created on linux


Consult the Deneb.03 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-confd, xivo-dao, xivo-full-stats, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #2899 - Add an error message that you need a secure connection (SSL) when login on CC Agent with WebRTC user
  • #2907 - Agent without Dissuasion access right doesn’t see the activities popover (in CCAgent activities tab)
  • #2938 - ccagent stats graph sometimes prevent agent to click on state change button

Desktop Assistant

  • #2914 - Desktop Assistant update (windows) doesn’t work

  • #2927 - config.ini file is not kept when updating desktop app


    Behavior change Instead of being directly next to the executable file, the ini config file is now in a config directory, one folder upper. We now have a log file called xivo-desktop-assistant.log for electron related logs. Doc :


  • #2820 - Closed schedule queue does not have correct name
  • #2857 - Original call id is not correct for some administrative calls
  • #2879 - Consultation calls to external number is not typed accordingly in xc_call_channel
  • #2889 - Blind transfer to a queue should be seen as acd
  • #2903 - Recompiling statistics generate duplicates in agent_position table
  • #2910 - Not remove stale pending calls, but set as stalled
  • #2928 - Large where in clause fails for call channels


  • #2919 - Strong echo heard by the caller from the callee


  • #2926 - Missing some translation in webi statisctics
  • #2939 - [C] - Add Agent REST api


Consult the Deneb.02 Roadmap.

Components updated: xivo-confd, xivo-confgend, xivo-db, xivo-full-stats, xivo-monitoring, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #2898 - Error after hangs up if you are on customer history tab in CCagent
  • #2901 - fix the fontawesome clipboard icon missing in ccagent


  • #2893 - Error when creating user in mattermost

Desktop Assistant

  • #2885 - CC Agent - When minimized, app title is broken
  • #2900 - unable to click on shortcuts line when editing global keys configuration
  • #2904 - videocall on electron cause the window to sometime stay fullscreen


  • #2817 - Schedule end time closing mechanism

  • #2894 - Recovery mechanism should track backwards the whole call thread

  • #2909 - Set end time in queue call by queue logs


    Behavior change End time in xc_queue_call table do not follow anymore transfers. To know the real en time of an ACD call than has been transfered to other party you should use xc_call_channel endtime associated to this queue call.

  • #2916 - AgentId not filled in xc_queue_call when agent uses a line with number different from his number

  • #2922 - Large query result set causes out of memory

XUC Server

  • #2920 - [C] - No error is displayed on login page when agent is already logged on another phone


  • #2884 - Update webrtc value via CSV Update

  • #2890 - Asterisk munin plugins don’t work

  • #2891 - Can’t display munin graphs in webi

  • #2915 - Migrate webrtc option


    Behavior change

    • To create webrtc line, the webrtc option MUST be set to yes. During upgrade, lines created with webrtc option set to something else than yes will be set to yes.

    • To see which lines were changed, check the migration output in postgresql logs:

      zgrep "MIGRATE_WEBRTC" /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log*
  • #2917 - Webi cannot access to favicon.ico

  • #2923 - Database: set synchronous_commit to off by default to enhance performance

XiVOCC Infra

  • #2913 - Elastic and pgxivocc data migration fails on multi-server CC



LTS Release. New features and behavior changes are listed above under the Deneb (2019.12) section.

Consult the Deneb (2019.12) Roadmap.

Components updated: recording-server, xivo, xivo-confd, xivo-full-stats, xivo-upgrade, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #2864 - ccagent container resizable is broken


  • #2840 - On CCManager, in the Agent View, I have to scroll down to see the login/logout dropdown-menu entirely


  • #2578 - Chat - Choice of a chat server
  • #2716 - Install Mattermost
  • #2853 - Create Mattermost user when a xivo user is connecting
  • #2856 - Login xivo User in Mattermost when connecting
  • #2869 - Install Mattermost - Create Personal access token

Desktop Assistant

  • #2852 - scale the desktop assistant so it can be displayed on every resolution
  • #2866 - desktop assistant crash when wrong url or no connection
  • #2871 - when we hangup a call, the height of the conversation tab changes for a few seconds
  • #2872 - desktop app crash when minimized on windows
  • #2875 - ccagent media query is broken due to old code
  • #2878 - Desktop application doesn’t display correctly when using multi-monitor with different zooms on each of them


  • #2858 - Add logs to histoy api or recording server


  • #2584 - Project - Improve call tracking for reporting
  • #2616 - As a reporting user I want to see the number of second call initiated by an agent in a queue
  • #2617 - As a reporting user I want to see the numbers of transferred consultation calls of an agent in a queue
  • #2801 - ELK - Enhance ELK 7 configuration
  • #2816 - Add recovery mechanism to streaming part of stats
  • #2849 - Missing callee number in call channel for attended transfer
  • #2865 - Blind transfers to User must be seen as administrative call in xc_call_channel

Web Assistant

  • #2773 - Add an error message when no audio / mic device is plugged when using webrtc
  • #2789 - “Play audio” signal from keyboard or headset plays the xivo ringing sound
  • #2859 - ConferencePartyEvent Update are not merged but deleted/recreated
  • #2863 - Wrong display on search result tab in UC Assistant
  • #2870 - merge and refactor containerResizable directive
  • #2896 - Conference participants are not updated


  • #2038 - Create xc_webrtc conference
  • #2882 - Support hold on webrtc conference


  • #2691 - [XiVO Phonebook] Phonebook numbers like +XX (E.164 format) should be allowed
  • #2719 - Be able to import and export a WebRTC user via CSV
  • #2800 - Finish dockerization of webi
  • #2814 - Be able to use XiVO UC with dockerized nginx
  • #2851 - Dockerize swagger
  • #2868 - Externalize nginx logs on hosts
  • #2880 - Can import a user with webrtc activated
  • #2881 - Can export the webrtc toggle of created users
  • #2892 - In User configuration page, remove reference to XiVO Client Login

XiVOCC Infra

  • #2860 - docker-ce installation breaks

XUC Server

  • #2876 - [C] - Transfer completion may fail (all is hangup) if transfer completion is done while destination is ringing