XiVOcc Administration

Start, stop or restart containers

Using the xivocc-dcomp script, you can control the run of the XiVO CC components:

xivocc-dcomp [command] [container]

List of commands:

  • up -d - run containers
  • stop - stop containers
  • restart - restart containers

If you don’t enter container name, the command applies on all containers. Use container names from this list.


Restarting xuc server with active calls may result in some agent’s having incorrect state after the restart. Hang-up of such call will return agent into correct state.

Show status

xivocc-dcomp ps

Show containers and images versions


Introduced in 2017.03.03 release.

Docker images are labelled with the exact version of the embedded application.

You can display the:

  • Version of the running docker containers by typing:

    xivocc-dcomp version
  • Version of all docker containers (including stopped ones) by typing:

    xivocc-dcomp version -a
  • Version of docker images:

    xivocc-dcomp version -i

For example :

# xivocc-dcomp version
NAMES                       VERSION
xivocc_xuc_1                2017.03.03
xivocc_recording_server_1   2017.03.03
xivocc_xucmgt_1             2017.03.03
xivocc_config_mgt_1         2017.03.02
xivocc_pack_reporting_1     2017.03.02
xivocc_spagobi_1            2017.03.02
xivocc_xivo_stats_1         2017.03.02
xivocc_xivo_replic_1        2017.03.02

This only applies to the following images:

  • config_mgt
  • pack_reporting
  • recording
  • spagobi
  • xivo_replic
  • xivo_stats
  • xuc
  • xucmgt


Labels were in fact introduced in 2017.03.02 but in this version you had to use docker commands to display them:

  • List all running containers with the exact version of application

    $ docker ps --format 'table {{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Label "version"}}\t{{.Status}}'
    NAMES                       IMAGE                                         VERSION             STATUS
    xivocc_spagobi_1            xivoxc/spagobi:2017.03.latest                 2017.03.02          Up 14 hours
    xivocc_nginx_1              xivoxc/xivoxc_nginx:latest                                        Up 32 hours
    xivocc_xuc_1                xivoxc/xuc:2017.03.latest                     2017.03.02          Up 13 hours
    xivocc_recording_server_1   xivoxc/recording-server:2017.03.latest        2017.03.02          Up 32 hours
    xivocc_xivo_replic_1        xivoxc/xivo-db-replication:2017.03.latest     2017.03.02          Up 32 hours
    xivocc_config_mgt_1         xivoxc/config-mgt:2017.03.latest              2017.03.02          Up 32 hours
    xivocc_pack_reporting_1     xivoxc/pack-reporting:2017.03.latest          2017.03.02          Up 32 hours
    xivocc_xivo_stats_1         xivoxc/xivo-full-stats:2017.03.latest         2017.03.02          Up 32 hours
    xivocc_pgxivocc_1           xivoxc/pgxivocc:latest                                            Up 32 hours
    xivocc_xucmgt_1             xivoxc/xucmgt:2017.03.latest                  2017.03.02          Up 32 hours
    xivocc_elasticsearch_1      elasticsearch:1.7.2                                               Up 32 hours
    xivocc_fingerboard_1        xivoxc/fingerboard:latest                                         Up 32 hours
    xivocc_recording_rsync_1    xivoxc/recording-rsync:latest                                     Up 32 hours
    xivocc_kibana_volumes_1     xivoxc/kibana_volume:latest                                       Up 32 hours
  • You can also inspect an image or container to get it’s exact version:

    # Inspect an image
    $ docker inspect --format '{{(index .Config.Labels "version")}}' xivoxc/xuc:2017.03.latest
    # Inspect a running container
    $ docker inspect --format '{{(index .Config.Labels "version")}}' xivocc_xuc_1


The log of each container can be found in the /var/log/xivocc directory. Currently (it may change) the structure looks like this :

├── config-mgt
│   └── config-mgt.log
├── purge-reporting-database.log
├── recording-server
│   ├── downloads.log
│   └── recording-server.log
├── spagobi
│   ├── Quartz.log
│   ├── SpagoBIBirtReportEngine.log
│   ├── SpagoBIChartEngine.log
│   ├── SpagoBIJasperReports.log
│   ├── SpagoBI.log
│   ├── SpagoBIQbeEngineAudit.log
│   ├── SpagoBIQbeEngine.log
│   └── SpagoBITalendEngine.log
├── specific-stats.log
├── xivo-db-replication
│   └── xivo-db-replication.log
├── xivo-full-stats
│   └── xivo-full-stats.log
├── xuc
│   ├── xuc_ami.log
│   └── xuc.log
└── xucmgt
    └── xucmgt.log


You may backup your databases by using a similar command as below, make sure you have enough space on disk.

cd /var/backups
mkdir xivocc
cd xivocc

docker run --rm --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup -e PGPASSWORD=*** xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_dump -h db -U postgres --format=c -f /backup/xuc_rights_dump xuc_rights
docker run --rm --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup -e PGPASSWORD=*** xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_dump -h db -U postgres --format=c -f /backup/spagobi_dump spagobi
docker run --rm --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup -e PGPASSWORD=*** xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_dump -h db -U postgres --format=c -f /backup/recording_dump recording
docker run --rm --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup -e PGPASSWORD=*** xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_dump -h db -U postgres --format=c -f /backup/xivo_stats_dump xivo_stats


You may restore a backup using a similar command (to be adapted)


cd /var/backups/xivocc

docker run --rm -it --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_restore -j 10 -h db -c -U postgres -d xivo_stats /backup/xivo_stats_dump
docker run --rm -it --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_restore -j 10 -h db -c -U postgres -d spagobi /backup/spagobi_dump
docker run --rm -it --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_restore -j 10 -h db -c -U postgres -d xuc_rights /backup/xuc_rights_dump
docker run --rm -it --link xivocc_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup xivoxc/pgxivocc pg_restore -j 10 -h db -c -U postgres -d recording /backup/recording_dump