XiVO Solutions Documentation (Aldebaran Edition)


LTS Aldebaran (2018.05) is no longer supported. No bugfixes and no security updates will be provided for this version. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest LTS.


What’s new in this version ?

  • XiVO administration web interface has been revamped to make it lighter and more responsive.
  • UC assistant can handle conferences with features such as showing participants, including a visual indicator to show who is talking. Added also possibility to Mute/Unmute/Kick participants if you’re an organizer of the conference.
  • Personal contacts can be managed now from UC assistant. Possibility to add/edit/delete/import your own contacts from the application.

See Aldebaran (2018.05) page for the complete list of New Features and Behavior Changes.


For previous LTS version, see XiVO Polaris documentation.


XiVO solutions developed by Avencall is a suite of PBX applications based on several free existing components including Asterisk and our own developments. This powerful and scalable solution offers a set of features for corporate telephony and call centers to power their business.

You may also have a look at our development blog for technical news about the solution

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