Release Notes
Below is a list of New Features and Behavior Changes compared to the previous LTS version, Luna (2023.10).
New Features
UC Assistant
Contact/Favorite display: the contact displayed in favorite or search results now contains 2 more fields - see Search.
Contact/Favorite details: the contact details now contains up to 14 information (including 5 phone numbers) - see Search.
Information displayed depends on how the directories are configured.
Search: you can search on different information than just the firstname, lastname
UC App design was updated
CC Agent
(Since Maia.10) It is now possible to filter the pause status in the drop down list - see Pause Cause and Status
Asterisk version upgraded to 20.6.0
Upgrade: enhancement in the upgrade process
deactivation of non-xivo apt sources list before the upgrade to Bookworm
add log prefixed with
to follow the upgrade process
(Since Maia.11) Can customize the nginx
- see ref:edge_feature_proxy_web_nb_connection
Auth delegation / OIDC
feature is now compatible with Keycloak higher than 18We are now able to delegate authentication to Microsoft Entra ID.
Xuc Server
(Since Maia.11) Websocket messages throttling parameters can now be confiugred via env variable - see Throttling
new xivocc-upgrade script to upgrade the XiVO CC machine - see also Upgrade to another LTS version
Docker upgraded to 25.0.5
docker compose upgraded to v2 (using docker compose plugin now)
it’s a major change from docker-compose ‘v1’ (docker-compose)
it’s available on all machines from the XiVO cluster (PBX,UC,MeetingRooms,etc…)
the full changelog is available here :
accordingly, the container names have changed from xivo_db_1 to xivo-db-1 for the db container for instance.
the dcomp helpers (xivo-dcomp, xivocc-dcomp, etc…) have been updated so they can be used as before.
while compose files within XiVO have been updated, any additional custom compose file must be updated as well.
WebSocket API InviteToConference evolutions. New optionals parameters are available :
Put participant as marked in the meetme conference
Force the participant to leave the conference when the last marked user leaves
Customize the callerId of the participant
New Websocket API to be able to merge an audio call in an audio conference. The precondition to use this API is to have both calls up for the same user :
A call to an audio conference
A standard call
Behavior Changes
Upon upgrade a new Display filter (
) named Display is created. The previous Display display filter is renamed DisplayLegacy.Upgrade: when switching to Bookworm, the upgrade will deactivate all apt sources list except those needed for xivo (xivo, debian, docker, postgres). After the upgrade you might need to reactivate some custom sources list.
(Since Maia.11) Nginx
now defaults to 20000
Web Socket API: if you still use the deprecated
API (see Deprecation below), note that theheaders
field of the DirectoryResult message is now hardcoded with the value as shown below.{ "msgType": "DirectoryResult", "ctiMessage": { "headers": ["name", "number", "mobile", "external_number", "favorite", "email"], "entries": [ { "status": 0, "entry": [ "hawkeye", "1002", "0761187406", "", "false", ""]}, ] } }
This release deprecates:
Web Socket API: new contact related APIs (search and favorites) were added. It deprecates directoryLookUp and getFavorites APIs. For detail see Contacts And Favorites:
Deprecated APIs
will be removed in next LTS.LTS Gaia (2021.07) : This version is no longer supported.
High Availability (and related Berofos integration) is officially deprecated. The related documentation remains in previous versions.
Manual steps for LTS upgrade
Don’t forget to read carefully the specific steps to upgrade from another LTS version
Generic upgrade procedure
Then, follow the generic upgrade procedures:
Maia Bugfixes Versions
Components version table
Table listing the current version of the components.
Component |
current ver. |
XiVO |
2024.05.11 |
config_mgt |
2024.05.00 |
db |
2024.05.11 |
outcall |
2024.05.04 |
db_replic |
2024.05.00 |
nginx |
2024.05.00 |
webi |
2024.05.12 |
switchboard_reports |
2024.05.00 |
usage_writer |
2024.05.00 |
usage_collector |
2024.05.00 |
agid |
2024.05.04 |
confgend |
2024.05.04 |
asterisk |
8:20.6.0-1 |
docker-ce |
5:25.0.5 |
docker-compose |
2.26.1 |
mattermost |
2024.05.00 |
nginx |
2024.05.00 |
pack-reporting |
2024.05.00 |
pgxivocc |
2024.05.00 |
recording-rsync |
2024.05.00 |
recording-server |
2024.05.09 |
spagobi |
2024.05.00 |
xivo-full-stats |
2024.05.14 |
xuc |
2024.05.15 |
xucmgt |
2024.05.15 |
Edge |
edge |
2024.05.11 |
nginx |
2024.05.11 |
kamailio |
2024.05.00 |
coturn |
2024.05.04 |
Meeting Rooms |
meetingroom |
2024.05.02 |
web-jitsi |
2024.05.00 |
jicofo-jitsi |
2024.05.00 |
prosody-jitsi |
2024.05.00 |
jvb-jitsi |
2024.05.00 |
jigasi-jitsi |
2024.05.00 |
ivr-editor |
2024.05.08 |
2024.05.15 (Maia.15): December 2024
Consult the 2024.05.15 (Maia.15) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Others: xivo-provd-plugins Docker: xucmgt, xucserver
CC Agent
#8068 - Update phone number after logout impossible on CCAgent and Switchboard
Behavior change New button to allow agents to change the phone extension they use :
Agents can now change the phone extension they are connected to using a dedicated button in the CC Agent and Swichboard applications. See Switch phone number
Agents no longer have to re-enter their login and password if they attempt to connect with an incorrect number or are already connected to a different number.
#8114 - Call qualification does not open sometimes
#8122 - Aastra phone auto answer in the speaker instead of the headset
XiVO Provisioning
#6392 - Can’t initiate a call from call logs on Snom/Thomson/Aastra devices
2024.05.14 (Maia.14): November 2024
Consult the 2024.05.14 (Maia.14) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: xivo-full-stats, xucserver
Debian: xivocc-installer, xivo
#8052 - As a UC Assistant user, I should be able to include a participant in an audio conference after being invited to a conference
#8078 - AMI keep alive mecanism sometimes missed ping if they were received too fast
Behavior change AMI Connection keep alive:
The connection between the Xuc server and the Asterisk AMI is now monitored by periodic pings
These pings ensure regular traffic to keep the session active and help to detect connection instabilities
See details in AMI Keepalive
#8091 - Stat - A call answered by a user in a group may associate this to call to a random agent in xc_queue_call
2024.05.13 (Maia.13) - 2024-11
Consult the 2024.05.12 (Maia.12) Roadmap. Consult the 2024.05.13 (Maia.13) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver
Debian: xivocc-installer, xivo, xivo-service
CC Agent
#8038 - In CC Agent when a pause state has a name > 80 char, it can’t be applied
#8048 - 💡 - As an admin I want to be able to control the keepalive for AMI connections
UC App
#8057 - Call popup on autoanswered calls is sometimes not properly closed
#8064 - After xivo-service restart some services are not working (like dird search)
2024.05.11 (Maia.11) - 2024-10
Consult the 2024.05.11 (Maia.11) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: edge-nginx, xivo-db, xivo-edge, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver
Debian: xivo-config, xivo-dird, xivocc-installer, xivo
#7941 - CC Agent - (Very) long pause name is not correctly displayed in pause status list
#7986 - CC Agent - a user status update, updates the status of all the search result
#7954 - Switchboard and recording
Web Assistant
#7958 - Wrong color when missed called in UC assistant
#7993 - Toast when inviting someone in a Meeting room is not displayed
XUC Server
#7985 - XuC - As a XiVO CC maintainer, i’d like to configure CTI Keepalive timer
#8001 - Rest API get current agent config for user
#8022 - Websocket message rate limiting should be configurable per env var
Behavior change WS Message throttling:
By default, the number of websocket messages is raised to 90 request messages within 30 seconds with a burst of 180
These values are now configurable by setting
environment variables in custom.envSee details in Throttling
#7968 - [C] - Impossible d’enregistrer un utilisateur comme destination dans les périodes non ouvrés du premier coup
#8027 - At each startup db complains that role rwfluentd does not exist
#8032 - Directory search for phone do not work out of the box following Contact Sheet evolution
#7680 - Edge Nginx - Increase default workers setting to (at least) allow 10K users to connect to XiVO UC through edge
Behavior change Two changes for the Edge Nginx component:
it is now configured to set the
to 20000 by default - see is now configured to tune the
at startup - see ref:edge_feature_proxy_web_nb_connection.
2024.05.10 (Maia.10) - 2024-09
Consult the 2024.05.10 (Maia.10) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Debian: xivo-config, xivocc-installer, xivo
Docker: xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver
#7884 - Pouvoir filtrer les status de pause dans la liste déroulante de sélection
Behavior change New feature: it is now possible to filter the pause status in the drop down.
#7907 - Phone hint status is not updated in search results of CCagent
#7921 - CCAgent-improve Agent status search
#7924 - CC Agent - Pause Status - add alphanumeric order
XUC Server
#7906 - The chat icon action is still display in contact sheet when using DISABLE_CHAT=true
2024.05.09 (Maia.09)
Consult the 2024.05.09 (Maia.09) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: recording-server, xucmgt, xucserver
Debian: xivocc-installer, xivo
#7881 - Callback: Exported ticket file is not downloaded by browser
#7836 - The simple search and the advanced search does not return the same result with the same query results
#7865 - Callback: Export Tickets does not Work if Status is Email
XiVOCC Infra
#6443 - xivocc - add psql-client as a dependency
2024.05.08 (Maia.08)
Consult the 2024.05.08 (Maia.08) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: ivr-editor, xucserver
XUC Server
#7867 - customer info HS
2024.05.06 (Maia.06)
Consult the 2024.05.06 (Maia.06) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: recording-server
#7835 - The recording server default search should include only recording calls
2024.05.05 (Maia.05)
Consult the 2024.05.05 (Maia.05) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: recording-server, xivo-edge, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver
#7779 - As a recording server user, I want a user friendly interface to search recordings
#7819 - ANSC - Recording - Search recording entry by key and enrich attached data evolutions
#7807 - Attended transfer and retrieve call from queue is not passing call id to hold current conversation
Web Assistant
#7656 - Red tooltip for empty search breaks display
#7745 - Being invited to a MeetMe conference with user pin code does not let you in automatically
XUC Server
#7673 - When inviting an operator from another UCAddon in my meetme, he does not see the call as a conference
#7695 - Add HA compatibility to conferenceInclude API
#7766 - Meetme invitation in Organizer mode of MDS user asks for conference PIN
#7804 - [HA] Invitee from one xuc to another has no conference events
#7808 - Websocket message rate limiting is too agressive for switchboard usage
#7812 - No admin actions when adding a user to conf after calling him
#6911 - [Doc] Fix bad documentation for (trying to deprecate) High Availability
#7811 - Incorrect preview image in directory definition
XiVOCC Infra
#7828 - Missing Connect configuration in default edge-nginx
2024.05.04 (Maia.04)
Consult the 2024.05.04 (Maia.04) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: db-migration, edge-coturn, xivo-agid, xivo-confgend, xivo-db, xivo-outcall, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver
Debian: xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-sysconfd, xivo-upgrade, xivocc-installer, xivo
#7212 - I want to be able to validate Edge for 250 simultaneous calls
#7698 - Prevent high CPU load (peak) when saving a user if there is a lot of file in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
Mobile Application
#7776 - MobileApp user can not use group calls
Web Assistant
#7639 - Refactor contactsheet - contact folded code
#7703 - I cant use chat via the Chat action in the Contact sheet
#7705 - Update doc screenshot following UC App redesign and new contact display
#7801 - WebRTC audio conference calls should be hang up automatically when the assistant is closed
XUC Server
#7752 - Given I’m an audio conference admin, I want to include a mds user in the conference
#7777 - OIDC OIDC_ADDITIONAL_SERVERS_URL field is not used when verifying the token signature
#7783 - Add evolution for APIs conferences in maia high level features
#7634 - As an admin I want to be able to edit the directory definition more easily
#7706 - Possible delay in outcall due to subscription-timeout
#7771 - Can’t edit network interface from webi
#7773 - Upgrade from Izar fails on db upgrade
#7775 - Database uses wrong collation
#7786 - Agid dont start if you have a mobile app configured
#7802 - Python scripts (xivo-call-logs, xivo-create-config …) generates a lots of SqlAlchemy warning
XiVOCC Infra
#7760 - As an Admin I want to be able to use xivocc-upgrade on CC server
#7774 - Coturn - allowed-peers syntax does not work anymore
2024.05.03 (Maia.03)
As of Maia.03 upgrade is only supported from Kuma
Consult the 2024.05.03 (Maia.03) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: edge-coturn, ivr-editor, xivo-agid, xivo-confgend, xivo-db, xivo-edge, xivo-meetingrooms, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver
Debian: xivo-agentd, xivo-agentd-cli, xivo-agentd-client, xivo-amid, xivo-amid-client, xivo-auth, xivo-auth-client, xivo-auth-keys, xivo-bus, xivo-call-logs, xivo-confd, xivo-confd-client, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-dird, xivo-dird-client, xivo-dird-phoned, xivo-dist, xivo-dxtora, xivo-dxtorc, xivo-fetchfw, xivo-lib-python, xivo-lib-rest-client, xivo-manage-db, xivo-monitoring, xivo-provd-cli, xivo-provd-client, xivo-provisioning, xivo-purge-db, xivo-python-celery-packaging, xivo-python-dumbnet-packaging, xivo-service, xivo-sync, xivo-sysconfd, xivo-tools, xivo-upgrade, xivo-utils, xivocc-installer, xivo
Others: xivo-desktop-assistant, xivo-install-script, xivo-test-helpers
Desktop Assistant
#7627 - As a DApp user I want to be able to zoom the application
#7536 - SVI Graphic quick and partial rebuild to make it easy to use even for non specialist
Web Assistant
#7702 - If you can’t invite someone in the conference it should be obvious
#7741 - Contact search does not display result if a contact does not contain any name
#7750 - I should see the button include to conference with platic phones
#7762 - Make active call more visible in UC assistant
XUC Server
#7693 - Add arguments for conferenceInvite
#7748 - I should not have to enter the conference pin when I’m included in an audio conference
#7749 - I should be able to customize the participant callerId when I invite him in the conference without early join
#7751 - I should be able to include a user in the conference if I join the conference after calling the user
#7097 - Remove remaining Asterisk & Wisper logos / awkward mentioning in doc to follow trademark rules
#7515 - Evaluate if we can find a merge contact strategy that could be handled
#7529 - [IVR] Let user select as destination a group
#7552 - Rebuild SVI Graphic Nav in order to better highlight most needed functionalities.
#7554 - Voicemail as User destinations should benefit search assistance
#7555 - Make nodes title automatically explicit in both : Parameter window and Building area
#7756 - As an admin I can upgrade my XIVO PBX / MDS to a Debian 12 (Bookworm) version
XiVOCC Infra
#7465 - Update XiVO Solutions to Debian 12
#7518 - As an admin I can install XIVO CC on a Debian 12 (Bookworm)
#7564 - As an admin I can install XIVO PBX / MDS on a Debian 12 (Bookworm)
#7761 - As an Admin I can install/upgrade Edge/Meetingroom on Debian 12
#7736 - Update coturn to 4.6.2
2024.05.01 (Maia.01)
Consult the 2024.05.01 (Maia.01) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: xivo-confgend, xucmgt, xucserver
#7734 - Asterisk SIP to PJSIP - allow_unauthenticated_options is not generated in pjsip.conf
#7719 - Typo in stats on the CCAgent
Web Assistant
#7676 - Change actions in UC Assistant when you have one meet me call and one normal call
#7742 - Contactsheet tooltip, close on click, research break on empty name
XUC Server
2024.05.00 (Maia.00)
Consult the 2024.05.00 (Maia.00) Roadmap.
Components updated:
Docker: edge-nginx, xivo-agid, xivo-web-interface, xivo-web-jitsi, xucmgt, xucserver
#7371 - Launch a research sorting it out by first + last name, position, department, company, location …
Web Assistant
#7635 - Fold Général and Lieu d’affectation group when fields are empty
#7636 - We want to always display all the action button
#7661 - Phone status of user displayed in favorite/search result is not updated (but works in history)
#7662 - Chat glitches - Emoji not displayed in the conversation list, ellipsis missing, no counter
#7663 - Small UI glitches
#7677 - Update Keycloak compatibility to allow logout to work with version 18+
XUC Server
#7497 - Make SSO process built on OpenID protocol fully functional on both Azure Ad and Keycloak
#7586 - As a remote audio conference user, I want to send command to the conference