Debugging Daemons

To activate debug mode, add debug: true in the daemon configuration file). The output will be available in the daemon’s log file.

It is also possible to run the XiVO daemon, in command line. This will allow to run in foreground and debug mode. To see how to use it, type:

xivo-{name} -h

Note that it’s usually a good idea to stop monit before running a daemon in foreground:

systemctl stop monit.service


twistd -no -u xivo-confgend -g xivo-confgend --python=/usr/bin/xivo-confgend --logger xivo_confgen.bin.daemon.twistd_logs

No debug mode in confgend.


twistd -no -u xivo-provd -g xivo-provd -r epoll --logger provd.main.twistd_logs xivo-provd -s -v
  • -s for logging to stderr

  • -v for verbose


sudo -u consul /usr/bin/consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul/xivo -pid-file /var/run/consul/

There is no log file, but you can consult the output of consul with:

consul monitor
2015/08/03 09:48:25 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
2015/08/03 09:48:25 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: this-xivo
2015/08/03 09:48:26 [INFO] raft: Disabling EnableSingleNode (bootstrap)
2015/08/03 11:04:08 [INFO] agent.rpc: Accepted client: