Upgrade Electra to Freya

In this section is listed the manual steps to do when migrating from Electra to Freya.


For Freya Debian was upgraded to Debian 10 (Buster).


  • the upgrade to Freya will take longer than usual
  • upgrade from older version than XiVO Boréalis (2018.16) are not supported (you need first to upgrade to a version above Boréalis before being able to upgrade to Freya).

Please read carefully Debian 10 (Buster) upgrade notes page.

Note also that upgrade to Debian 10 on MDS and XiVO CC is manual (see manual procedure below).


XiVO CC/UC: After upgrade you need to launch postgres upgrade (from 9.4 to version 11).


Known Upgrade Limitations: as Freya.02 release these are the known limitations for upgrade.

  • UC Addon:
    • You can’t use UC Assistant and Admin Webi together (see #3522)

Before Upgrade


  • Debian system will be upgraded to Debian 10 (Buster)


    Please read carefully the Before the upgrade section in the Debian 10 (Buster) upgrade notes.


  • Reporting: During upgrade all Kibana configuration (including the dashboard) will be lost (it is stored in elasticsearch container). You MUST backup Kibana configuration before the upgrade.


  • Upgrade system to Debian 10 (Buster) with the following manual procedure:

    1. Run upgrade

      apt update
      sed -i 's/stretch/buster/' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
      cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF
      # buster-backports, previously on backports.debian.org
      deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian buster-backports main
      deb-src http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian buster-backports main
      apt update
      export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
      force_yes="--allow-downgrades --allow-remove-essential --allow-change-held-packages"
      echo "Preparing dahdi-linux-dkms upgrade..."
      dkms remove -m dahdi-linux -v $(LANG='C' apt-cache policy dahdi-linux-dkms | grep Installed | grep -oE '2\.11\.1.+') --all
      apt install --yes ${force_yes} -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64
      apt autoremove --yes
      echo "Executing XiVO PBX minimal upgrade actions..."
      apt upgrade --yes ${force_yes} -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"
      echo "Executing XiVO PBX full upgrade actions..."
      apt dist-upgrade --yes ${force_yes} -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"
      apt autoremove --yes
    2. Check GRUB before rebooting

      install_device=$(debconf-show grub-pc | grep 'grub-pc/install_devices:' | cut -b3- | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -d',' -f1)
      if [ "$install_device" -a ! -e "$install_device" ]; then
      echo -e "\e[1;31mYou must install GRUB BEFORE rebooting\e[0m"

      If it is broken, fix it:

      apt-get install grub-pc
      rm /boot/grub/device.map
      grub-install /dev/<boot_device>
      dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
    3. Reboot the MDS

  • Install mds-upgrade package (containing mds-upgrade script):

    1. Switch version using xivo-dist utility and specifying the LTS or specific version you want to upgrade to. For example:

      xivo-dist xivo-freya
    2. Update package list and install mds-upgrade:

      apt-get update
      apt-get install mds-upgrade
    3. Then follow the remaining step of the updated Media Server Upgrade procedure. (Run the mds-upgrade script.)

After Upgrade


  • Debian system will be upgraded to Debian 10 (Buster)


    Please read carefully the After the upgrade section in the Debian 10 (Buster) upgrade notes.

  • You must add additional permissions to already existing Webi administrators who should have access to Users menu and the new User Labels menu. Follow the Webi admin users and User Labels documentation.

  • XDS:



Database after the upgrade you MUST upgrade pgxivocc from 9.4 to version 11.

To do this, launch the script (it will restart the pgxivocc container). On XiVO CC:


Or on XiVO with UC addon:


If you are installing the chat backend, you must upgrade pgxivocc first and then start the chat backend installation.

  • If the chat backend was already installed before the upgrade, delete channels between surveybot user and other users. Messages from surveybot are not handled correctly and cause errors in logs.

    1. Get channel ids from the mattermost database:

      psql -h localhost -p 5443 -U postgres mattermost -c "
      SELECT channelid FROM posts
      JOIN users ON users.id = posts.userid
      WHERE users.username = 'surveybot'"
    2. Delete them safely from the mattermost CLI. For example:

      xivocc-dcomp exec mattermost mattermost-cli channel delete "
      >  h37fet418iff3pdpfcj6neht4h
      >  esu8swozjtnhm8asordwk56jmo"
    3. Confirm deletion by typing “YES”

On XiVO CC only

  • Upgrade system to Debian 10 (Buster) with the following manual procedure:

    1. Run upgrade

      sed -i 's/stretch/buster/' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
      apt update
      export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
      force_yes="--allow-downgrades --allow-remove-essential --allow-change-held-packages"
      echo "Executing XiVO CC minimal upgrade actions..."
      apt upgrade --yes ${force_yes} -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"
      echo "Executing XiVO CC full upgrade actions..."
      apt dist-upgrade --yes ${force_yes} -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"
      apt autoremove --yes
    2. Check GRUB before rebooting

      install_device=$(debconf-show grub-pc | grep 'grub-pc/install_devices:' | cut -b3- | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -d',' -f1)
      if [ "$install_device" -a ! -e "$install_device" ]; then
      echo -e "\e[1;31mYou must install GRUB BEFORE rebooting\e[0m"

      If it is broken, fix it:

      apt-get install grub-pc
      rm /boot/grub/device.map
      grub-install /dev/<boot_device>
      dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
    3. Reboot

  • Reporting:

    • Restore Kibana configuration.
    • The last 7 days of data will be re-replicated to Elasticsearch, see Data flow. It may take some time if you have a huge amount of calls per week (more than 1 hour if you have 2 million of queue_log per week).
  • XDS installation only: you need to update the nginx configuration for WebRTC on MDS if you had already followed the Enable WebRTC on MDS

    1. On your XiVO CC hosting the nginx server, edit the file /etc/docker/nginx/sip_proxy/sip_proxy.conf (if this file doesn’t exist on your server you can skip this)
    2. Change the location location /ws-MDS_NAME to location /wssip-MDS_NAME (notice change from ws to wssip)
    3. Inside the location,
      1. add the directive auth_request /validatetoken;
      2. and change the proxy_{connect,read,send}_timeout parameters as shown
    4. Below is an example before/after with mds1 as MDS_NAME:
    Before After
    location /ws-mds1 {
     proxy_connect_timeout 60m;
     proxy_read_timeout 60m;
     proxy_send_timeout 60m;
     keepalive_timeout 180s;
    location /wssip-mds1 {
     auth_request /validatetoken;
     proxy_connect_timeout 1m;
     proxy_read_timeout 5m;
     proxy_send_timeout 5m;
     keepalive_timeout 180s;


  • You must also install & configure the mail on MDS to be able to have the email notification for voicemail on MDS (see XiVO Main part above):

    1. Install and configure mail

      export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
      apt-get install --yes postfix
      XIVO_HOST=$(grep XIVO_HOST /etc/docker/mds/custom.env | awk -F "=" '/1/ {print $2}')
      postconf -e "relayhost = $XIVO_HOST"
      [ -z "${myorigin}" ] && myorigin=$(hostname --short)
      touch /etc/mailname
      echo "${myorigin}" > /etc/mailname
      postconf -e "myorigin = /etc/mailname"
      postfix reload
    2. Then you must follow the MDS install doc to finish the mail relay configuration.