Upgrade Deneb to Electra

In this section is listed the manual steps to do when migrating from Deneb to Electra.


XiVO UC/CC: before upgrading to Electra you MUST upgrade the host to Debian 9 (Stretch). Check the debian version:

cat /etc/debian_version

If it’s Debian 8, follow the XiVO UC/CC Debian 9 (Stretch) Upgrade Procedure.

Before Upgrade

  • Custom container configurations
    • Compose file version was upgraded to version 3.7. See the Compose file version 3 reference. If you have custom configurations, you should update them before starting the upgrade. Some of the previously used options, like volumes_from, can’t be used anymore. To share data between containers, suggested procedure is:
      • use named volume (see the Volume configuration reference)
      • to init the volume with data from the container, remove the container before starting it with the new configuration. Named volume can be only initialized once. If you want to re-initialize it or update with data from a newer container, you will have to remove it with docker volume rm and recreate it
      • to customize data in the volume, copy them with docker cp to the target container


  • XDS:
    • All media servers must be stopped with xivo-service stop all before upgrading XiVO. The rabbitmq exchange “xivo” was changed from “topic” to “x-delayed-message” type. If any media server is running, the exchange type may not be changed and XiVO will fail to start. If this happens, the rabbitmq container on XiVO must be stopped, removed and created again.



before upgrading to Electra

  • you MUST upgrade the host to Debian 9 (Stretch). Check the debian version:

    cat /etc/debian_version

    If it’s Debian 8, follow the XiVO UC/CC Debian 9 (Stretch) Upgrade Procedure.

  • you MUST be using Kibana in version 7 (the version that was released with Deneb LTS). If you did not yet upgrade Kibana to version 7 and remained using v3 you MUST upgrade it before upgrading to Electra.

  • After upgrading Kibana (to version 7) you MUST backup Kibana configuration (once more) before the XiVO CC upgrade. All configuration will be lost (it is stored in elasticsearch container).

After Upgrade


After upgrade, you HAVE TO manually install the xivo-chat-backend package. It must be done on your XiVO CC/UC server (or on UC Addon if you are in this setup).

Follow instructions in Chat Backend section.

If you don’t do it the whole Chat feature won’t work properly.

Note that you can also completely disable the Chat - see Disabling chat in UC Assistant and Switchboard.


  • With UC Addon installed on your XiVO PBX: for the Chat feature to work properly you have to manually install the xivo-chat-backend package. See note above.
  • Switchboard: to be able to use the new Switchboard application you MUST replace your old switchboard configuration with the new configuration.


  • For the Chat feature to work properly you have to manually install the xivo-chat-backend package. See note above.

On XiVO CC only

  • Reporting:
    • Restore Kibana configuration.
    • The last 7 days of data will be re-replicated to Elasticsearch, see Data flow. It may take some time if you have a huge amount of calls per week (more than 1 hour if you have 2 million of queue_log per week).