XiVO Borealis Intermediate Versions


Consult the 2018.14 Roadmap.

Components updated: asterisk, rabbitmq, xivo-agid, xivo-confgend, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-db-replication, xivo-dist, xivo-manage-db, xivo-monitoring, xivo-service, xivo-sysconfd, xivo-upgrade, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer


In this version the system was upgraded from Debian 8 to Debian 9 (stretch). Read carefully the Debian 9 (stretch) Upgrade Notes.


  • Asterisk: Build asterisk for Debian Stretch
    • #2023 - XDS - Build Asterisk for Debian Stretch
  • #1150 - Be able to use Debian 9 with XiVO
  • #2067 - Upgrade webi to PHP7
  • #2063 - APT is not updated after installation by script
  • #2077 - Upgrade from Aldebaran to 2018.12 or 2018.13 is broken
  • #2083 - Configmgt log are not written in the correct directory

XiVO Distributed System

  • #2025 - XDS - Migrate MDS to Debian9
  • #2031 - Adapt xivo-manage-db to be applicable also to MDS/Debian9
  • #2036 - XDS - asterisk configuration must be ready after boot/reboot on MDS
  • #2041 - XDS - Generate confgend container configuration at startup
  • #2057 - XDS - Generate systemname according to the mds name
  • #2076 - MDS db_replic is missing in the list of xivo-service
  • #2085 - XDS - use extra_host to make agid, confgend and rabbitmq containers aware of xivo ip
  • #2090 - Create view for all media server including main mds
  • #2092 - Harmonize rabbitmq-server version on XiVO and MDS


  • #2091 - Optimize spagobi docker image build to enhance download time in case of upgrade


Consult the 2018.13 Roadmap.

Components updated: asterisk, config-mgt, xivo, xivo-agid, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-db-replication, xivo-install-script, xivo-manage-db, xivo-monitoring, xivo-service, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #2042 - On hold notification is sometimes not hidden when having multiple calls


  • #2045 - XDS - Finish db_replic

  • #2050 - XDS - Cleanup install and upgrade for db_replic


    Behavior change db_replic (a.k.a xivo_replic) is now only installed when a CC or UC is installed on top of XiVO PBX When doing so, a compose override file is copied in /etc/docker/xivo to enable the service automatically.

XUC Server

  • #2037 - Xucserver Library upgrade


  • Asterisk Ships with new asterisk version 13.22.0
    • #1793 - Wrapup expired event is sent whereas Wrapup was not started
    • #1993 - Integrate asterisk 13.22.0
    • #2058 - Build and package asterisk 13.22.0 with patch for #1793, #2065, #2066
    • #2065 - Compile asterisk with bundled pjproject
    • #2066 - Remove patch xivo_dtls_negotiation_delay (audio delayed on webrtc incoming call due to DTLS negotiation increasing timeout)
  • #1978 - XDS - Be able to route calls depending on the MDS of the peer
  • #1979 - XDS - Be able to declare Media Server in XiVO Webi
  • #2049 - XDS - Finish db_replic integration
  • #2051 - Cleanup MDS installer
  • #2052 - Cleanup XiVO (xivo-configmgt) installer
  • #2060 - XDS - Install script sets wrong apt source after installation


Consult the 2018.12 Roadmap.

Components updated: debian-pxelinux, rabbitmq, xivo-agid, xivo-confgend, xivo-config, xivo-install-script, xivo-service, xivo-sysconfd, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-installer, xucserver


  • #2033 - When selecting a callback the wrong callback is displayed an called



Behavior change for replication (see #1990).

  • xivo_replic container was moved from Reporting server to XiVO PBX server and renamed db_replic.
  • content from the XiVO PBX tables is now pushed from the XiVO PBX to the Reporting server (before it was pulled from the Reporting server)
  • replication state is now stored in a replication_state table in the XiVO PBX asterisk database
  • while updating, a prompt will ask you reporting server address to be able to replicate data.

XUC Server

  • #2018 - Agent is not added or removed from ccmanager


  • #1691 - Glitches in XiVO web-interface

XiVO Distributed System

  • #1980 - XDS - Install a Media Server

    • #1995 - XDS - Convert xivo-agid to docker container
    • #2002 - XDS - Convert xivo-confgend to docker container
    • #2024 - XDS - Convert rabbitmq to docker container
    • #2009 - XDS - MDS installation using script installer
    • #2013 - XDS - Be able to use xivo-service on MDS
    • #2028 - XDS - Add dockerized rabbitmq as part of xivo-service
    • #2039 - XDS - Confgend container does not restart if pid file is present
    • #2040 - XDS - confgend, agid and rabitmq does not have the correct timezone/localtime
  • #2010 - XDS - Enable and configure RabbitMQ federation plugin

  • #2030 - XDS - Split xivo-config and rabbitmq-server

  • #1990 - XDS - Should be able to replicate cel and queue_log


    Container db_replic replicate the cel and queue_log tables from the Media Server towards the Reporting Server.

  • #2000 - XDS - Generate Group/Queue/Meetme configuration for a MDS


  • #1997 - Add Debian Stretch to PXE


Consult the 2018.11 Roadmap.

Components updated: config-mgt, xivo-backup, xivo-bus, xivo-sysconfd, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver



  • #1986 - Warning message when queue recording feature is not available does not appear in right state

Web Assistant

  • #1996 - Exported personal contacts can’t be imported if commas are missing at line ends
  • #2005 - Web assistant - handle automatic reconnection from different networks

XUC Server

  • #1896 - Agent penalty update in Webi is not propagated in CC Manager


  • #1925 - Make xivo-backup write temporary backup file in /var/tmp instead of /tmp
  • #1998 - XDS - Reload configurations using rabbitmq
  • #2015 - Unable to manage agents by Xuc (and from ccmanager) because of sysconfd answer


Consult the 2018.10 Roadmap.

Components updated: asterisk, xivo-agid, xivo-confd, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-db-replication, xivo-full-stats, xivo-manage-db, xivo-upgrade, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #1953 - Sort is not working on callback view in CCAgent
  • #1954 - Callback period change when taking callback in CCAgent
  • #1956 - One Callback still displayed in CCAgent when processing is finished


  • #1928 - [ITLS] Display intermediate switch status when queues are not all recorded
  • #1933 - CCmanager popup display queue information when clicking on name


  • #1854 - Configmgt must be accessible from fingerboard


  • #1955 - Specific agent stats takes too much time to compute
  • #1971 - Missing rights for user stats on new tables “qualifications, qualifications_answer, subqualifications, transfert” in xivo_stats database
  • #1972 - Add replication of “queue_qualification”

Web Assistant

  • #1348 - Handle custom line in Web Assistant and CC Agent
  • #1792 - personal contact accentuated chars are not encoded properly when exported on Windows
  • #1960 - Support Aastra phone using the web assistant

XUC Server

  • #1921 - 3rd party application should allow setting pause type
  • #1936 - Rabbitmq message seem to not be processed on each instance of xuc if two xuc are running


  • Asterisk: Ship version 13.19.0 of asterisk (see #1981) with patch for:

    • #1970 - Insert REASON of QueueMemberPause AMI command to data1 of PAUSEALL queue_log event
  • #1948 - Incoming call to user are denied if user has a denied all

  • #1949 - On internal calls, wrong call rights are applied


    Behavior change See notes on Internal Calls and Forwarded Calls in Call Permissions documentation page for additional information.

  • #1950 - Call rights check fails when calling from external an user with a custom line

  • #1951 - Cannot add CTI information (profile, login …) to a user through a CSV file update

  • #1952 - Wrong line status for user imported via CSV with a sip_username in uppercase


    Behavior change When importing users with a CSV file, sip_username in uppercase will be set to lowercase during import.

  • #1963 - Configmgt is not upgraded in case of minor upgrade (e.g. from 2018.05.XX to 2018.05.YY)

  • #1966 - Can’t download backups files when XiVO UC is installed on XiVO

  • #1967 - Can’t access administration page through an SSH redirection when XiVO UC is installed

  • #1969 - SQL error when trying to filter queue skills

  • #1973 - User stats can’t access tables in xc schema


Consult the 2018.09 Roadmap.

Components updated: config-mgt, recording-server, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-db-replication, xivo-full-stats, xivo-lib-python, xivo-manage-db, xivo-upgrade, xivocc-installer, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #1912 - Callback list incorrect when multiple lists on the same queue
  • #1927 - Web Agent Callback icon : The notification of existing callback is not present anymore (Borealis port)


  • #1790 - [ITLS] Display recording status for each queue on CCManager
  • #1870 - [ITLS] Dynamic recording queue config notification


  • #1791 - [ITLS] Can manage recording of queues using xivo web interface and cc manager

  • #1888 - [ITLS] Add recording rights to Superviseur profile


    Behavior change RightProfile Cti Message has been enriched with list of permission access


  • #681 - xivo replic stops to replicate in case of network problem (routing, iptables…)
  • #1924 - Agent statistic (stat_agent_specific) conversation_time abnormally long (port to borealis)
  • #1935 - Transfered call offered to and answered by an agent are not counted

XUC Server

  • #1920 - Use AMI instead of xivo-ctid to set agent pause reason


  • #1926 - Remove outgoing call redirection database migration script fails if user contains non-ascii character


Consult the 2018.08 Roadmap.

Components updated: config-mgt, recording-server, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #1815 - Rename statistic “Divert.” on ccmanager(queue_view)


    Behavior change In CC Manager, in view Queues, column “Divert.” was renamed to “Timeout”.

  • #1890 - Call qualification export should be completely in JSON

Config mgt

  • #1900 - Cannot give the role Teacher to an user in configmgt


  • #1874 - Add audio control to recording server

  • #1881 - Be able to download consultation logs in recording server

  • #1882 - Ordering of agents and queues in description of a transfered call recording

XUC Server

  • #1871 - High memory & cpu usage triggered by call loops and outbound queue calls

  • #1903 - Disable AMI log in xucserver

  • #1906 - Can’t download callback tickets in ccmanager

  • #1909 - Ws result future are sometimes not handled if they fail and so errors are swallowed


    When a phone device is not reachable from the Xuc server, an error is reported in the log file.


  • Asterisk: Ships with asterisk 13.19.0 with patch for issue #1846

  • #1846 - Asterisk freeze if attended transfer from desktop assistant is hangup during initialization

  • #1788 - Button for mass synchronization disappears from web interface

  • #1873 - Outgoing caller id and call permissions have wrong user id when unc. fwd

  • #1876 - Recording is not stopped when call is direct transferred from phone

  • #1899 - Doc - Live reload deactivation implications


    See new table in General settings section.

  • #1907 - Support CAS with SSO

XiVO Provisioning

  • #1893 - Can’t provisionning yealink dect with firmware v81

XiVOCC Infra

  • #1734 - Docker XiVO CC images uses deprecated base layers and must be updated


    Gain of at least 1 GB on downloaded docker images


    Behavior change Application logs in docker are now gzipped by default when rotation happens.


Consult the 2018.07 Roadmap.

Components updated: config-mgt, recording-server, xivo-config, xivo-manage-db, xivo-web-interface, xucmgt, xucserver



  • #1809 - Can stop/start recording after xfer to queue according to queue configuration


    Behavior change Call to a queue may have its recording stopped after a transfer. See Recording feature documentation.

  • #1859 - Outgoing transfer doesn’t have the correct recording audio file link in list of recorded files


  • #1830 - Incorrect rights for stats role on qualifications table after upgrade

  • #1844 - Destination list hidden when creating a func key with boss-secretary filter

  • #1850 - Voicemail Email - For a given voicemail, customizing email body doesn’t accept some “ponctuation” characters


    Behavior change Some new error messages in XiVO web interface are displayed in the default language of web browser. The language can be different.

  • #1868 - Web interface doesn’t indicate that system configuration must be applied

XiVOCC Infra

  • #1877 - Update Java openjdk docker images for Play applications


    Gain of at least 1 GB on downloaded docker images


Consult the 2018.06 Roadmap.

Components updated: config-mgt, recording-server, xivo-agid, xivo-config, xivo-dao, xivo-dist, xivo-manage-db, xivo-solutions-doc, xivo-web-interface, xivocc-recording, xucmgt, xucserver


  • #1802 - Cannot remove activity from favorites when showQueueControls is not set
  • #1836 - Be able to use XUC API from xucmgt 3rd party app


  • #1838 - Call Qualifications: export as csv

Config mgt

  • #1831 - Use Config Mgt with HTTPS protocol


    Behavior change All calls to configmgt API (callbakcs, user rights…) should now be prefixed by configmgt. For examples for requesting callbacks you would request api/1.0/callback_lists now you have to request configmgt/api/1.0/callback_lists.

  • #1837 - Disable PlayFramework CSRF protection for REST API request with X-Auth-Token

  • #1856 - configmgt redirection to login is not working


  • #1807 - Enable recording (in dialplan) according to queue configuration


    Behavior change

    • When upgrading it will replace xivocc-recording.conf file. You need to set again the ipbx_name variable to the previous value and reload the dialplan.
    • Queue recording MUST now be set in the queue configuration. Following the upgrade you MUST edit the queues, remove the subroutine used to start the recording and replace them by the correct configuration in the queue (see Recording configuration).
  • #1816 - As supervisor I don’t see disk space usage

  • #1821 - Recording disk usage is inverted in log

  • #1824 - Cannot use recording control on web agent during an outgoing call or incoming call

  • #1839 - Recording call status is not always reported on acd outbound calls


  • #1848 - java null key when executing the spagobi report “Stat_queue”

Web Assistant

  • #1800 - UC assistant should not allow to hold second call if one is already holded

XUC Server

  • #1840 - Connected line number and name is not always correct
  • #1841 - Channel vars not propagated from queue to agent (borealis port)
  • #1852 - XuC user right is not using correct url for configmgt


  • #1803 - Add borealis in the named distribution of xivo-dist
  • #1813 - Qualifications table not created on fresh xivo install