
Requirements & Limitations

The XiVO Centralized Interface (XCI) requires :

  • A server with:
    • Debian 8
    • PostgreSQL v9.5 (see Postgresql Wiki for installing instructions)
    • postgresql-contrib-9.5 package installed
    • Docker>1.12 and corresponding Docker-Compose
    • git installed
    • sudo installed
  • Some XiVOs to manage !


  • If you are making circular inclusions of asterisk context the interface can potentially load users for a while, you should be very careful with such deployment.
  • In order to use routed numbers, you must create an Incoming calls interval in the from-exten context with a did length equal to the internal number length.
  • SCCP devices are not supported an may trigger error in the Centralized interface. You must remove them on your XiVO before using this application.

Automated installation

An installation script is provided to execute all the installations tasks. To run it, execute the following command :

curl | sudo bash

It will ask you a passphrase for generating an SSH key, you need to leave the passphrase empty!

The configuration files are located in /etc/docker.

Run the application

Optionally, you can set a bash alias for conveniently run XCI :

alias dcomp='docker-compose -p icdu -f /etc/docker/compose/icdu.yml'

Then simply :

dcomp up -d

XCI should now be accessible through http://my-server-ip:9001

Application logs

  1. General application log is in /var/log/interface-centralisee/application.log with daily rotation, historic logs retained for 5 days.
  2. User actions are logged to /var/log/interface-centralisee/user_actions.log with daily rotation, historic logs retained for 366 days.

By default user_actions.log contains only brief information about which authorize XCI user did what action. To log with more detail (including data of create and update actions), change in /etc/docker/interface-centralisee/logback.xml line:

<logger name="UserActions"  level="INFO">


<logger name="UserActions"  level="DEBUG">