.. _gcu_installation: ************ Installation ************ Requirements & Limitations ========================== The XiVO Centralized Interface (XCI) requires : - A server with: - Debian 8 - PostgreSQL v9.5 (see `Postgresql Wiki `_ for installing instructions) - postgresql-contrib-9.5 package installed - Docker>1.12 and corresponding Docker-Compose - git installed - sudo installed - Some XiVOs to manage ! .. warning:: - If you are making circular inclusions of asterisk context the interface can potentially load users for a while, you should be **very** careful with such deployment. - In order to use routed numbers, you must create an Incoming calls interval in the `from-exten` context with a did length equal to the internal number length. - SCCP devices are not supported an may trigger error in the Centralized interface. You must remove them on your XiVO before using this application. Automated installation ====================== An installation script is provided to execute all the installations tasks. To run it, execute the following command : .. code-block:: bash curl https://gitlab.com/xivo-utils/icdu-packaging/raw/master/install-icdu.sh | sudo bash It will ask you a passphrase for generating an SSH key, you need to leave the passphrase empty! The configuration files are located in ``/etc/docker``. Run the application =================== Optionally, you can set a bash alias for conveniently run XCI : .. code-block:: bash alias dcomp='docker-compose -p icdu -f /etc/docker/compose/icdu.yml' Then simply : .. code-block:: bash dcomp up -d XCI should now be accessible through http://my-server-ip:9001 Application logs ================ 1. General application log is in ``/var/log/interface-centralisee/application.log`` with daily rotation, historic logs retained for 5 days. 2. User actions are logged to ``/var/log/interface-centralisee/user_actions.log`` with daily rotation, historic logs retained for 366 days. By default ``user_actions.log`` contains only brief information about which authorize XCI user did what action. To log with more detail (including data of create and update actions), change in ``/etc/docker/interface-centralisee/logback.xml`` line: .. code-block:: xml into: .. code-block:: xml