Debian 8 (jessie) Upgrade Notes

The upgrade to XiVO 15.20 or later will take longer than usual, because the whole Debian system will be upgraded.

The database management system (postgresql) will also be upgraded from version 9.1 to version 9.4 at the same time. This will upgrade the database used by XiVO. This operation should take at most a few minutes.

After the upgrade, the system will need to be rebooted.

Before the upgrade

  • If you are upgrading from XiVO 13.24 or earlier, you’ll need to first upgrade to Debian 7 (wheezy) before being able to upgrade to Debian 8 (jessie). To do so, you’ll have to:

    • Run xivo-upgrade a first time, which will upgrade your XiVO to version 15.19 (Debian 7)
    • Reboot your system
    • Run xivo-upgrade a second time, which will upgrade your XiVO to the latest version (Debian 8)
    • Reboot your system

    Consult the Debian 7 (wheezy) Upgrade Notes for more information on the first upgrade.

  • Make sure your have sufficient space for the upgrade. You might run into trouble if you have less than 2 GiB available in the file system that holds the /var and / directories.

  • If you have customized the Debian system of your XiVO in some nontrivial way, you might want to review the official Debian release notes before the upgrade. Most importantly, you should:

    • Make sure you don’t have any unofficial sources in your /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. If you were using the wheezy-backports source, you must remove it.
    • Remove packages that were automatically installed and are not needed anymore, by running apt-get autoremove --purge.
    • Purge removed packages. You can see the list of packages in this state by running dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }' and purge all of them with apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }')
    • Remove .dpkg-old, .dpkg-dist and .dpkg-new files from previous upgrade. You can see a list of these files by running find /etc -name '*.dpkg-old' -o -name '*.dpkg-dist' -o -name '*.dpkg-new'.

After the upgrade

  • Check that customization to your configuration files is still effective.

    During the upgrade, new version of configuration files are going to be installed, and these might override your local customization. For example, the vim package provides a new /etc/vim/vimrc file. If you have customized this file, after the upgrade you’ll have both a /etc/vim/vimrc and /etc/vim/vimrc.dpkg-old file, the former containing the new version of the file shipped by the vim package while the later is your customized version. You should merge back your customization into the new file, then delete the .dpkg-old file.

    You can see a list of affected files by running find /etc -name '*.dpkg-old'. If some files shows up that you didn’t modify by yourself, you can ignore them.

  • Purge removed packages. You can see the list of packages in this state by running dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }' and purge all of them with apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }')

  • If you had customizations in one of these files:

    • /etc/default/asterisk
    • /etc/default/consul
    • /etc/default/xivo-ctid

    Then you’ll need to review your customizations to make sure they still work with systemd. This is necessary since these 3 files aren’t read under systemd.

    For /etc/default/asterisk, only the CONFD_* options are automatically migrated to /etc/systemd/system/asterisk.service.d/auto-sysv-migration.conf.

    For /etc/default/consul, only the WAIT_FOR_LEADER and CONFIG_DIR options are automatically migrated to /etc/systemd/system/consul.service.d/auto-sysv-migration.conf.

    For /etc/default/xivo-ctid, only the XIVO_CTID_AMI_PROXY option is automatically migrated to /etc/systemd/system/xivo-ctid.service.d/auto-sysv-migration.conf.

  • Reboot your system. It is necessary for the upgrade to the Linux kernel and init system (systemd) to be effective.


Here’s a non-exhaustive list of changes that comes with XiVO on Debian 8:

  • In Debian 7, the halt command powered off the machine. In Debian 8, the command halts the system, but does not power off the machine. To halt the machine and turn it off, use the poweroff or shutdown command.

  • With the init system switch from SysV to systemd, you should now use the systemctl command to manage services (i.e. start/stop/status) instead of the service command or /etc/init.d/<service>, although these two methods should still work fine.

    If you are new to systemd, you can find some basic usage on the systemd page of the Debian Wiki.

  • The bootlogd package is not installed by default anymore, since it is not needed with systemd. If you want to see the boot messages, use the journalctl -b command instead.

  • The virtual terminals (tty1 to tty6) now shows up earlier during the boot, before all services have been started.

  • The way the ami-proxy is configured for xivo-ctid has changed. If your XiVO was using the ami-proxy, the configuration will be automatically upgraded.

  • Customization to asterisk and consul startup is now done by customizing the systemd unit file (by creating a drop-in file for example) instead of editing the /etc/default/asterisk and /etc/default/consul files. These files are not used anymore.

List of Known Bugs And Limitations

  • If your system is using a swap partition or file and is using more memory than it can fit in the RAM, then system power-off or reboot might hangs indefinitely. This is due to a limitation in the current systemd version.

    If you find yourself in this case, you should try allocating more RAM to your system. Otherwise, you can try stopping the xivo services using xivo-service stop before rebooting to lessen the likelihood of this problem.

    See issues #6016