Configuration of Xivos for Centralized Routing

When you add Xivo with configuration, basic Xivo configuration is done automatically. However there are still some steps which have to be done manually on each Xivo using Xivo WebUI.

Xivo configuration for centralized routing

Things to verify on Xivo before manual configuration

Verify that:

  1. Xivo was added to XCU with configuration.
  2. Xivo was restarted (automatically when added do XCU or manually later).
  3. You have know routing context name for each xivo in form to_xxx - it is configured in XCU when adding Xivo.
  4. Routing script /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/ is there, executable by asterisk user.
  5. Dialplan routing configuration /etc/asterisk/extensions_extra.d/routage.conf is there, readable by asterisk user.

Manually update address of routing server

There must be a configuration file /etc/xivo_routage.conf with hosts = IP:9000 where IP is the IP address of XCU server. If you have a backup routing server, there can be multiple IP:PORT couples separated by comma. Example:

hosts =,

Connect Xivos by trunks

Ensure there is (direct or indirect) trunk connection between every two Xivos - see Interconnect two XiVO directly. This trunks must have Context set to Incall.

Add routing contexts

In each Xivo create routing contexts for every other Xivo. In Xivo WebUI go to: Services / IPBX / IPBX configuration / Contexts and click Plus icon. For example: if you have three Xivos A, B, C with routing contexts to_xivo_a, to_xivo_b, to_xivo_c, then in Xivo B you create routing contexts to_xivo_a and to_xivo_c. Type of routing context must be Outcall and it must not include any sub-contexts.

Add outgoing calls

For each routing context in every Xivo you need to add Outgoing call. In Xivo WebUI go to: Services / IPBX / Call management / Outgoing calls and click Plus icon. This outgoing call has:

  • usually the same name as respective routing context
  • Context set to respective routing context
  • Trunk set to trunk connecting (directly or indirectly) to target Xivo
  • in Exten tab single line with Exten = X. and Stripnum = 0

Debug centralized routing

On each Xivo you can check log requests and result for routing requests by command:

tail -F /var/log/asterisk/xivo-routage-agi.log

On XCU you can check log requests and result for routing requests by command:

docker logs -f icdu_routing_server_1

To test manually query on routing server (replace IP by XCU’s):

curl -v ''

Response is either 200 with body containing route in JSON or 404 with body containing {"Result":"No such element"} if not found.