Real Time Statistics

Exposed by xuc

Queue statistics

These real time statistics are calculated nearly in real time from the queue_log table Statistic are reset to 0 at midnight (24h00) can be changed by configuration

Real time calculated Queue statistic

name Description
TotalNumberCallsEntered Total number of calls entered in a queue
TotalNumberCallsAbandonned Total number of calls abandoned in a queue (not answered)
TotalNumberCallsAbandonnedAfter15 Total number of calls abandoned after 15 seconds
TotalNumberCallsAnswered Total number of calls answered
TotalNumberCallsAnsweredBefore15 Total number of calls answered before 15 seconds
PercentageAnsweredBefore15 Percentage of calls answered before 15 seconds over total number of calls entered
PercentageAbandonnedAfter15 Percentage of calls abandoned after 15 seconds over total number of calls entered
TotalNumberCallsClosed Total number or calls received when queue is closed
TotalNumberCallsTimeout Total number or calls diverted on queue timeout

All queue statistics counters (except percentage) are also available for the sliding last hour by adding LastHour to the name .i.e. TotalNumberCallsAbandonnedLastHour.

For percentage, there is no historical value (LastHour). If you need historical percentage, you should compute it using the historical total numbers.

Additional Thresholds

You can configure xuc to add statistics for thresholds other than 15 seconds. In this case the xuc server will automatically publish TotalNumberCallsAbandonnedAfterXX, TotalNumberCallsAnsweredBeforeXX, PercentageAnsweredBeforeXX, PercentageAbandonnedAfterXX. XX will be replace by all the defined thresholds values.

If configured, these additional stats threshold will be automatically available in queue view of CC Manager, see Thresholds.


You need to include in the compose.yml file a link to a specific configuration file by adding in xuc section a specific volume and an environment variable to specify the alternate config file location



- CONFIG_FILE=/conf/xuc.conf

- /etc/docker/xuc:/conf

Edit in /etc/docker/xuc/ a configuration file named xuc.conf to add new thresholds configuration (empty by default)

 include "application.conf"

 xucstats {
  queues {
    statTresholdsInSec = [10,30] # 15 sec treshold is automatically added

Recreate and restart the container : xivocc-dcomp up -d xuc


In this example, xuc will publish counters for 10, 15 and 30 seconds periods.

Other queue statistics

Other queue statistics are calculated by xivo cti server

  • AvailableAgents
  • TalkingAgents
  • LongestWaitTime
  • WaitingCalls
  • EWT

Definition in xivo documentation xivo documentation

Calculated Agent statistics

name Description
PausedTime Total time agent in pause
WrapupTime Total time agent in wraup
ReadyTime Total time agent ready
InbCalls Total number of inbound calls received internal and external
InbAcdCalls Total number of inbound ACD calls received internal and external
InbCallTime Total time for inbound calls received internal and external
InbAcdCallTime Total time for inbound ACD calls received internal and external
InbAcdCallTime Total time for inbound ACD calls received internal and external
InbAnsCalls Answered inbound calls received internal and external
InbAnsAcdCalls Answered inbound ACD calls received internal and external
InbUnansCalls Unanswered inbound calls received internal and external
InbUnansAcdCalls Unanswered inbound ACD calls received internal and external
InbPercUnansCalls Percentage of unanswered inbound calls received internal and external
InbPercUnansAcdCalls Percentage of unanswered inbound ACD calls received internal and external
InbAverCallTime Average time for inbound calls received internal and external
InbAverAcdCallTime Average time for inbound ACD calls received internal and external
OutCalls Total number of outbound calls received internal and external
OutCallTime Total time for outbound calls received internal and external
LoginDateTime Last login date time
LogoutDateTime Last logout date time


inbound ACD calls
all calls received by an agent via ACD.
inbound calls
all calls received by an agent, internal, external or ACD calls.
oubound calls
all calls dialed by an agent, internal or external calls.

Agent statistics are calculated internaly on a daily basis and reset to 0 at midnight (default configuration). see javascript api

If some status are configured in xivo cti server with activate pause to all queue = true, additionnal statistics computing the total time in not ready with this status are calculated. This statistics name is equal to the presence name configuration in XiVO.