.. highlightlang:: rest .. _developper: ######### Developer ######### ====================== Building and packaging ====================== Dependencies ------------ * Xivo Java Cti lib ; https://gitlab.com/xivo-utils/xivo-javactilib * mvn install * theatrus/akka-quartz : https://github.com/theatrus/akka-quartz * sbt publish-local (sudo apt-get install devscripts) Update change log ----------------- * dch -i in project root directory, parent of debian/changelog * edit changelog to add version Update documentation site ------------------------- * update src/sphinx/conf.py with new version * activator make-site * copy target/sphinx/docs content to public/doc Update xuc_logger.xml with new version -------------------------------------- * Create debian package : activator debian:genChanges ============= Docker ============= Building docker image:: activator docker:publish or activator docker:publishLocal docker tag xivo/xuc:2.4.32 xivo/xuc:latest activator clean test docker:publishLocal; docker tag -f xivo/xuc:1.9.0 xivo/xuc:latest;docker push xivo/xuc:1.9.0; docker push xivo/xuc:latest ======================== Documentation Guidelines ======================== The Xuc documentation uses `reStructuredText`_ as its markup language and is built using `Sphinx`_. .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org ====== Sphinx ====== For more details see `The Sphinx Documentation `_ ================ reStructuredText ================ For more details see `The reST Quickref `_ Quick Reference * http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/cheatsheet.txt * http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html * http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr/doc/openalea/doc/_build/html/source/sphinx/rest_syntax.html Sections -------- Section headings are very flexible in reST. We use the following convention in the Xuc documentation: * ``#`` (over and under) for module headings * ``=`` for sections * ``-`` for subsections * ``^`` for subsubsections * ``~`` for subsubsubsections Cross-referencing ----------------- Sections that may be cross-referenced across the documentation should be marked with a reference. To mark a section use ``.. _ref-name:`` before the section heading. The section can then be linked with ``:ref:`ref-name```. These are unique references across the entire documentation. For example:: .. _xuc-module: ############# Xuc Module ############# This is the module documentation. .. _xuc-section: Xuc Section ============ Xuc Subsection --------------- Here is a reference to "xuc section": :ref:`xuc-section` which will have the name "Xuc Section". Build the documentation ======================= First install `Sphinx`_. See below. Building -------- For the html and pdf version of the docs:: activator make-site open /target/sphinx/docs/index.html open /target/sphinx/docs/Xuc-doc.pdf Installing Sphinx and other tools --------------------------------- To be able to generate pdf and documentation you need install Sphinx and other tools:: sudo easy_install -U Sphinx sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended