.. _manual_configuration: ************************************* Manual configuration and installation ************************************* This section describes the manual installation of the XiVO CC components. In most cases you **SHOULD NOT** follow this page, and install the XiVO CC components via the `xivocc-installer` package (see :ref:`ccinstallation`). .. note:: We leave this page here : - to document how to install only a subset of the XiVO CC components (since it is not currently possible via the `xivocc-installer` package). - to help with reconfiguring XiVO for XiVO CC after it has been :ref:`restored from backup ` - as a reference Prerequisites ============= We will assume your *XiVO CC* server meets the following requirements: - OS : Debian 8 (jessie), 64 bit - the latest stable version of Docker_ is installed - the latest stable version of Docker-compose_ is installed - the XiVO PBX is reachable on the network - the XiVO PBX is setup with users, queues and agents, you must be able to place and answer calls. .. _Docker: https://www.docker.com .. _Docker-compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ Note : Install only stable version of docker and docker compose. We will make the following assumptions : - the *XiVO PBX* has the IP - some data (incoming calls, internal calls etc.) might be available on XiVO (otherwise, you will not see `anything` in the :ref:`check-list`). - the *XiVO CC* server has the IP .. check-list: installation#check-list .. _xivo_pbx_configuration: XiVO PBX configuration ====================== PostgreSQL configuration ------------------------ Firstly, allow access to PostgreSQL from the outside. Edit :file:`/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf`: .. code-block:: ini listen_addresses = '*' Add this line to :file:`/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf`: .. code-block:: ini host asterisk all md5 .. _creating_user_stats: Create a user `stats` with read permissions : .. code-block:: bash sudo -u postgres psql asterisk << EOF CREATE USER stats WITH PASSWORD 'stats'; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA PUBLIC TO stats; EOF And run ``xivo-service restart all`` to apply these modifications. AMI configuration ----------------- * Add file :file:`/etc/asterisk/manager.d/02-xivocc.conf` directory with the following content, replacing *X.X.X.X* by your xucserver IP address : .. code-block:: ini :emphasize-lines: 4 [xuc] secret = xucpass deny= permit=X.X.X.X/ read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,dtmf,originate,dialplan write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,dtmf,originate,dialplan writetimeout = 10000 * And reload the AMI : .. code-block:: bash asterisk -rx "manager reload" asterisk -rx "manager show user xuc" and check your if previous configuration is displayed. CEL Configuration ----------------- * Replace content of file :file:`/etc/asterisk/cel.conf` by the following : .. code-block:: ini [general] enable = yes apps = dial,park,queue events = APP_START,CHAN_START,CHAN_END,ANSWER,HANGUP,BRIDGE_ENTER,BRIDGE_EXIT,USER_DEFINED,LINKEDID_END,HOLD,UNHOLD,BLINDTRANSFER,ATTENDEDTRANSFER [manager] enabled = yes * and reload the cel module in Asterisk : .. code-block:: bash asterisk -rx "module reload cel" Customizations in the web interface ----------------------------------- * Create a user *xuc* in :menuselection:`Services -> IPBX -> Users` with the following parameters: - CTI login : xuc - CTI password : 0000 - profil supervisor * Create a Web Services user in :menuselection:`Configuration -> Web Services Access` with the following parameters : - Login : xivows - Password : xivows - Host : Make sure **Multiqueues call stats sharing** is enabled in :menuselection:`Services -> IPBX -> Advanced configuration` tab. Phone integration ----------------- Do not forget to follow configuration steps detailed in :ref:`Required configuration for phone integration `. Packages for the recording -------------------------- Still on the *XiVO PBX*, install the package which will handle the recording. See :ref:`Recording paragraph ` in installation section. XiVO CC configuration ===================== Now we switch to the installation of the XiVO CC server. Install ntp server ------------------ .. code-block:: ini apt-get install ntp *XiVO CC* server and *XiVO PBX* server must be synchronized to the same source. Enable Docker LogRotate ----------------------- Docker container log output to /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr. The Docker container log file is saved in /var/lib/docker/containers/[CONTAINER ID]/[CONTAINER_ID]-json.log. Create a new Logrotate config file for your Docker containers in the Logrotate folder /etc/logrotate.d/docker-container. .. code-block:: ini /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log { rotate 7 daily compress missingok delaycompress copytruncate } You can test it with logrotate -fv /etc/logrotate.d/docker-container. You should get some output and a new log file with suffix [CONTAINER ID]-json.log.1 should be created. This file is compressed in next rotation cycle. Retrieve the configuration script and launch it: Containers installation ----------------------- .. code-block:: bash wget https://gitlab.com/xivo.solutions/packaging/raw/master/install/install-docker-xivocc.sh bash install-docker-xivocc.sh During the installation, you will be asked for : - the XiVO IP address (e.g. - the number of weeks to keep for the statistics - the number of weeks to keep for the recording files - the external IP of the machine (i.e. the adress used afterwards for http URLs) The number of weeks to keep statistics **must be higher** than the number of weeks to keep recordings. Recording purging is based on the statistic data, so the statistic data must not be removed before purging recordings. Create the following alias in your .bashrc file: .. code-block:: bash vi ~/.bashrc alias dcomp='docker-compose -p xivocc -f /etc/docker/compose/docker-xivocc.yml' Containers modification ----------------------- The yml file :file:`/etc/docker/compose/docker-xivocc.yml` should have the correct tag version for each imeage. Check also that the **XIVO_CTI_VERSION** is correct for the xuc container. .. code-block:: yaml xivo_replic : image: xivoxc/xivo-db-replication:2016.03.latest xivo_stats : image: xivoxc/xivo-full-stats:2016.03.latest pack_reporting: image: xivoxc/pack-reporting:2016.03.latest config_mgt: image: xivoxc/config-mgt:2016.03.latest recording_server: image: xivoxc/recording-server:2016.03.latest xuc: image: xivoxc/xuc:2016.03.latest environment: - XIVO_CTI_VERSION=2.1 xucmgt: image: xivoxc/xucmgt:2016.03.latest Starting XivoCC --------------- Then you can launch the XiVO CC with the following command : .. code-block:: bash dcomp up -d List XivoCC services : .. code-block:: bash # dcomp ps Name Command State Ports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xivocc_config_mgt_1 bin/config-mgt-docker Up>9000/tcp xivocc_elasticsearch_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh elas ... Up>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp xivocc_fingerboard_1 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/tail - ... Up xivocc_kibana_volumes_1 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/tail - ... Up xivocc_nginx_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up 443/tcp,>80/tcp xivocc_pack_reporting_1 /bin/sh -c echo ... Up xivocc_pgxivocc_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up>5432/tcp xivocc_postgresvols_1 /bin/bash Exit 0 xivocc_recording_server_1 bin/recording-server-docker Up>9000/tcp xivocc_reporting_rsync_1 /usr/local/sbin/run-rsync.sh Up>873/tcp xivocc_spagobi_1 /bin/sh -c /root/start.sh Up>8080/tcp xivocc_timezone_1 /bin/bash Exit 0 xivocc_xivo_replic_1 /usr/local/bin/start.sh /o ... Up xivocc_xivo_stats_1 /usr/local/bin/start.sh /o ... Up xivocc_xivocclogs_1 /bin/bash Exit 0 xivocc_xuc_1 bin/xuc_docker Up>9000/tcp xivocc_xucmgt_1 bin/xucmgt_docker Up>9000/tcp