.. _recording: ********* Recording ********* *XiVO CC* includes a call recording feature: recording is done on *XiVO PBX* and recorded files are sent to the *XiVO CC* Recording server. Then it's possible to search for recordings and download recorded files from *Recording server*. Recording ========= For configuring this feature, see :ref:`recording_configuration`. Description ----------- Recording feature allows to keep the conversation between caller and callee and stores them on dedicated recording server. All the files are then available for download only for predefined *granted* users. Recording is done on *XiVO PBX* and sent to *Recording server*. If recorded file can't be synchronized on *XiVO CC* Recording Server, files might be found on *XiVO PBX* in .. code-block:: bash ls -al /var/spool/xivocc-recording/failed These files will be automatically resynchronized from *XiVO PBX* to *XiVO CC* Recording server each night. You can then search: #. by caller, callee, agent number etc. #. or by callid #. and then download the recording .. figure:: search.png :scale: 75% On *Recording server*, one can monitor the space used by the audio files stored in ``ContrĂ´le d'enregistrement`` menu. .. figure:: store.png :scale: 100% Recording filtering =================== For configuring this feature, see :ref:`recording_filtering_configuration`. Description ----------- *Recording server* allows to prevent some numbers not to be recorded. You can deactivate recording either * for specific called numbers (called Incalls or called Queues or called Users), * or, on outgoing calls, for calling Users internal numbers .. note:: This feature is designed to activate recording globally (e.g. for every Queues) and then deactivate it for some Queues (e.g. for queue 1001) To do so, navigate to : and in page ``ContrĂ´le d'enregistrement`` you can add or remove the number to disable recording on this number. .. figure:: stop-record.png :scale: 100% Limitations ----------- * Recording can only be disabled for specific Incalls, Queues, Users and External called numbers. * Recording can't be disabled for one Agent. * Recording can only be disabled by the object number (to disable recording for one queue it must have a number). Gateway recording ================= For configuring this gateway, see :ref:`recording_gw_configuration`. Description ----------- This gateway offload the duty of recording file from *XiVO PBX* (as it can be costly due to R/W process) and will synchronize files directly with *Recording server*. It replaces completely the ``xivo-recording`` package.