.. _gcu_manual_installation: ******************* Manual installation ******************* .. warning:: Manual installation steps are provided for debugging purposes and for special cases - for common cases please follow :ref:`Installation `. The configuration files and the Docker-Compose files are available in a specific `Git repository `_. Database setup -------------- XCI stores some data in a PostgreSQL database. By default, ``application.conf`` is configured to connect to a local database named ``icx`` with the username ``icx`` and password ``icx``. You can change these parameters if you wish. We will use the default parameters in this documentation. First, we need to install PostgresSQL extensions to use UUID functions : .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib We can now create the user and the database associated : .. code-block:: bash sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER icx WITH PASSWORD 'icx'" .. code-block:: bash sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE icx WITH OWNER icx" We then have to enable UUID extension on the ``icx`` database. Connect as ``root`` on the ``icx`` database : .. code-block:: bash sudo -u postgres psql icx -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";' I can't connect to PostgreSQL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible that PostgreSQL complains when you're trying to connect. The solution is to modify the ``pg_hba.conf`` (in Debian, located in ``/etc/postgresql/X.X/main``) and add the following line at the end : .. code-block:: bash local all all trust Generate SSH key ---------------- In order to let XCI communicate with the various XiVOs, an SSH key is used. Generate one using the following command : .. code-block:: bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/docker/interface-centralisee/ssh_key