************** REST API ************** The XiVO Centralized Interface (XCI) exposes some REST API that you can use to integrate with your tools. General form ============ http://$my-server-ip:$xciport/api/1.0/$method withHeaders(("Content-Type", "application/json")) * $xciport : XCI port number (default 9001) * $method : See available methods below Login ===== A login request is required before subsequent API calls in order to get a session cookie. POST /api/1.0/login Payload parameters : ``login`` (String) Login to connect with ``password`` (String) Password corresponding to the login The server will return a cookie and you will be able to do other API calls. Example with CURL : .. code-block:: bash curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/1.0/login' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -c 'xci-cookie' --data-binary '{"login":"admin","password":"superpass"}' curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/1.0/xivo' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -b 'xci-cookie' XiVO ==== The following methods allow you to operate on the XiVOs managed by XCI. List ---- List all the XiVOs configured on XCI. GET /api/1.0/xivo .. code-block:: json { "items": [ { "id": 1, "uuid": "8f159082-4b25-48b3-afec-1873491a60be", "name": "xivo-220", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 664 }, { "id": 2, "uuid": "15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "xivo-221", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 280 } ] } Get ---- Get a XiVO by its ``id``. GET /api/1.0/xivo/$id .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "uuid": "8f159082-4b25-48b3-afec-1873491a60be", "name": "xivo-220", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 664 } Create ------- Create a new XiVO. POST /api/1.0/xivo Payload parameters : ``name`` (String) Display name of the XiVO ``host`` (String) Hostname or IP address of the XiVO ``configure`` (Boolean) If set to ``true``, XCI will immediately make the necessary configurations on the XiVO. If set to ``false``, it will only be added to XCI but not configured. Synchronize configuration files -------------------------------- GET /api/1.0/xivo/synchronize_config_files Entities ========= The following methods allow you to operate on the entities made available by the XiVOS. List ---- List all the entities available. GET /api/1.0/entities .. code-block:: json { "items": [ { "id": 17, "combinedId": "default@15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "default", "displayName": "default", "xivo": { "id": 2, "uuid": "15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "xivo-221", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 280 }, "intervals": [ { "start": "1700", "end": "1799" }, { "start": "1961", "end": "" }, { "start": "2600", "end": "2799" } ], "presentedNumber": "inbNo" }, { "id": 22, "combinedId": "default_analogique@15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "default_analogique", "displayName": "default_analogique", "xivo": { "id": 2, "uuid": "15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "xivo-221", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 280 }, "intervals": [ { "start": "3990000", "end": "3999999" }, { "start": "39990000", "end": "39999999" } ], "presentedNumber": "inbNo" } ] } Get ---- Get an entity by its ``combinedId``. GET /api/1.0/entities/$combinedId .. code-block:: json { "id": 22, "combinedId": "default_analogique@15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "default_analogique", "displayName": "default_analogique", "xivo": { "id": 2, "uuid": "15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "xivo-221", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 280 }, "intervals": [ { "start": "3990000", "end": "3999999" }, { "start": "39990000", "end": "39999999" } ], "presentedNumber": "inbNo" } .. _`Create entity`: Create ------- Create a new entity. POST /api/1.0/entities Payload parameters : ``name`` (String) Name of the entity ``displayName`` (String) Displayed name of the entity ``xivoId`` (Integer) Id of the XiVO the entity will be attached to ``intervals`` (Array) Intervals of numbers this entity will support ``start`` (String) Starting number of the interval ``end`` (String) Ending number of the interval ``presentedNumber`` (String) Number to show on outgoing calls Delete ------- Delete an entity. DELETE /api/1.0/entities/$combinedId Edit ----- Edit an entity. See `Create entity`_ for fields details. PUT /api/1.0/entities/$combinedId List users ---------- List users attached to an entity. GET /api/1.0/entities/$combinedId/users .. code-block:: json { "items": [ { "id": 559, "entity": { "id": 22, "combinedId": "default_analogique@15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "default_analogique", "displayName": "default_analogique", "xivo": { "id": 2, "uuid": "15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "xivo-221", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 280 }, "intervals": [ { "start": "3990000", "end": "3999999" }, { "start": "39990000", "end": "39999999" } ], "presentedNumber": "inbNo" }, "firstName": "Sous sol Logistique", "lastName": "CLF 88:40 P3", "internalNumber": "6260", "externalNumber": "\"Sous sol Logistique CLF 88:40 P3\"", "mail": null, "ctiLogin": null, "ctiPassword": null, "provisioningNumber": "114133" } ] } List available numbers ----------------------- List available numbers for an entity GET /api/1.0/entities/$combinedId/available_numbers .. code-block:: json { "items": [ "3990000", "3990001", "3990002", "3990003", "3990004" ] } Users ===== The following methods allow you to operate on the users made available by the XiVOS. Get ---- Get a user by its ``id``. GET /api/1.0/users/$id .. code-block:: json { "id": 559, "entity": { "id": 22, "combinedId": "default_analogique@15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "default_analogique", "displayName": "default_analogique", "xivo": { "id": 2, "uuid": "15585b75-1d75-45b1-8678-520d1210ec59", "name": "xivo-221", "host": "", "remainingSlots": 280 }, "intervals": [ { "start": "3990000", "end": "3999999" }, { "start": "39990000", "end": "39999999" } ], "presentedNumber": "inbNo" }, "firstName": "Sous sol Logistique", "lastName": "CLF 88:40 P3", "internalNumber": "6260", "externalNumber": null, "mail": null, "ctiLogin": null, "ctiPassword": null, "provisioningNumber": "114133" } .. _`Create user`: Create ------- Create a new user. POST /api/1.0/users Payload parameters : ``entityCId`` (String) Entity combinedId the user will be attached to ``templateId`` (Integer) Line template to apply to the user ``firstName`` (String) First name of the user ``lastName`` (String) Last name of the user ``internalNumber`` (String) Internal phone number of the user ``ctiLogin`` (String) *Optional* CTI login of the user ``ctiPassword`` (String) *Optional* CTI password of the user Delete ------- Delete a user. DELETE /api/1.0/users/$id Edit ----- Edit a user. See `Create user`_ for fields details. PUT /api/1.0/users/$id Templates ========== The following methods allow you to operate on the line templates used to create users. List ---- List all the templates available. GET /api/1.0/templates .. code-block:: json [ { "id": 1, "name": "Modèle 220", "peerSipName": "auto", "routedInbound": false, "callerIdMode": "incomingNo", "ringingTime": 30, "voiceMailEnabled": false, "voiceMailNumberMode": "short_number", "xivos": [ 1 ], "entities": [ "default@8f159082-4b25-48b3-afec-1873491a60be" ] } ] Get ---- Get a template by its ``id``. GET /api/1.0/templates/$id .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "name": "Modèle 220", "peerSipName": "auto", "routedInbound": false, "callerIdMode": "incomingNo", "ringingTime": 30, "voiceMailEnabled": false, "voiceMailNumberMode": "short_number", "xivos": [ 1 ], "entities": [ "default@8f159082-4b25-48b3-afec-1873491a60be" ] } .. _`Create template`: Create ------- Create a new template. POST /api/1.0/templates Payload parameters : ``name`` (String) Name of the template ``xivos`` (Array of Integer) List of XiVOs ids the template will be available to ``entities`` (Array of String) List of entities combinedIds the template will be available to ``peerSipName`` (String) Possible values are ``auto`` or ``model`` ``ringingTime`` (Integer) Number of seconds before incoming call is rejected ``routedInbound`` (Boolean) Whether or not the phone can be called from the outside ``routedInboundPrefix`` (String) *Compulsory if* ``routedInbound`` *is* ``true`` SDA prefix to call the phone ``callerIdMode`` (String) Option specifying what number is displayed on outgoing call. Possible values are : * ``incomingNo`` : use the SDA prefix * ``anonymous`` : masked call * ``custom`` : a custom number ``customCallerId`` (String) *Compulsory if* ``callerIdMode`` *is* ``custom`` Custom number to display on outgoing call ``voiceMailEnabled`` (Boolean) Whether or not to enable the voice mail ``voiceMailNumberMode`` (Boolean) Option specifying what number is used to call the voice mail. Possible values are : * ``short_number`` : use the default short number * ``custom`` : a custom number ``voiceMailCustomNumber`` (String) *Compulsory if* ``voiceMailNumberMode`` *is* ``custom`` Custom number to call the voice mail ``voiceMailSendEmail`` (Boolean) Whether or not to send an email when a new message is left Delete ------- Delete a template. DELETE /api/1.0/templates/$id Edit ----- Edit a template. See `Create template`_ for fields details. PUT /api/1.0/templates/$id Administrators =============== The following methods allow you to operate on the administrators of the XCI. List ---- List all the administrators present. GET /api/1.0/administrators .. code-block:: json { "items": [ { "id": 1, "login": "admin", "name": "", "password": "+\/\/rIncoyp\/Ai\/8l3xSEeSY+P+x4uNle7cHkL6rpPS3ucgr2EAJIqnQbsIpSGwHj", "superAdmin": true, "ldap": false, "entities": [ ] } ] } Get ---- Get an administrator by its ``id``. GET /api/1.0/administrators/$id .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "login": "admin", "name": "", "password": "+\/\/rIncoyp\/Ai\/8l3xSEeSY+P+x4uNle7cHkL6rpPS3ucgr2EAJIqnQbsIpSGwHj", "superAdmin": true, "ldap": false, "entities": [ ] } .. _`Create administrator`: Create ------- Create a new administrator. POST /api/1.0/administrators Payload parameters : ``login`` (String) Login of the administrator ``name`` (String) Displayed name of the administrator ``ldap`` (Boolean) Whether or not to use the LDAP authentication configured in ``application.conf`` ``password`` (String) *Compulsory if* ``ldap`` *is* ``false`` Password used by the administrator to login ``superAdmin`` (Boolean) Whether or not this administrator is a super-administrator. Super-administrators can manage everything in XCI. ``entityIds`` (Array of Integer) List of entities this administrator has the rights to manage Delete ------- Delete an administrator. DELETE /api/1.0/administrators/$id Edit ----- Edit an administrator. See `Create administrator`_ for fields details. PUT /api/1.0/administrators/$id Example (Python 3) ================== .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import Request, urlopen import json, sys class XCIApiExample: base_url = None cookie = None def __init__(self, base_url, login, password): self.base_url = base_url self.make_login(login, password) def make_login(self, login, password): data = {"login": login, "password": password} response = self.make_post_request("/login", data) self.cookie = response.info()["Set-Cookie"] def get_entities(self): response = self.make_get_request("/entities") return self.handle_json_response(response) def get_available_numbers(self, entity): response = self.make_get_request("/entities/" + entity["combinedId"] + "/available_numbers") return self.handle_json_response(response) def create_line_template(self, data): self.make_post_request("/templates", data) def get_line_templates(self): response = self.make_get_request("/templates") return self.handle_json_response(response) def create_user(self, data): self.make_post_request("/users", data) def make_get_request(self, method): request = Request(self.base_url + method, headers = {"Cookie": self.cookie}) response = urlopen(request) return response def make_post_request(self, method, data): header = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Cookie": self.cookie if self.cookie else ""} request = Request(self.base_url + method, json.dumps(data).encode(), header) response = urlopen(request) return response def handle_json_response(self, response): return json.loads(response.read().decode()) # Initialize API api_example = XCIApiExample("", "admin", "superpass") # Get an entity and its XiVO entities = api_example.get_entities()["items"] if (len(entities) == 0): sys.exit("There isn't any XiVO configured yet or they don't have any entity !") else: entity = entities[1] xivo = entity["xivo"] print("Selected entity \"%s\" in XiVO \"%s\""%(entity["name"], xivo["name"])) # Create a line template template_data = { "name": "My line template", "xivos": [xivo["id"]], "entities": [entity["combinedId"]], "peerSipName": "auto", "ringingTime": 30, "routedInbound": False, "callerIdMode": "anonymous", "voiceMailEnabled": False } api_example.create_line_template(template_data) line_template = api_example.get_line_templates()[0] print("New line template created") # Create a user user_data = { "entityCId": entity["combinedId"], "templateId": line_template["id"], "firstName": "Alice", "lastName": "In Wonderland", "internalNumber": api_example.get_available_numbers(entity)["items"][0] } api_example.create_user(user_data) print("New user created")