.. _admin: ************** Administration ************** .. _admin_version: Show containers and images versions ----------------------------------- .. note:: Introduced in 2017.03.03 release. Docker images are labelled with the exact version of the embedded application. You can display the: * Version of the running docker containers by typing: .. code-block:: bash xivocc-dcomp version * Version of all docker containers (including stopped ones) by typing: .. code-block:: bash xivocc-dcomp version -a * Version of docker images: .. code-block:: bash xivocc-dcomp version -i For example : .. code-block:: sh # xivocc-dcomp version NAMES VERSION xivocc_nginx_1 xivocc_xuc_1 2017.03.03 xivocc_recording_server_1 2017.03.03 xivocc_xucmgt_1 2017.03.03 xivocc_config_mgt_1 2017.03.02 xivocc_pack_reporting_1 2017.03.02 xivocc_spagobi_1 2017.03.02 xivocc_xivo_stats_1 2017.03.02 xivocc_xivo_replic_1 2017.03.02 xivocc_pgxivocc_1 xivocc_elasticsearch_1 xivocc_fingerboard_1 xivocc_recording_rsync_1 xivocc_kibana_volumes_1 This only applies to the following images: * config_mgt * pack_reporting * recording * spagobi * xivo_replic * xivo_stats * xuc * xucmgt .. note:: Labels were in fact introduced in 2017.03.02 but in this version you had to use docker commands to display them: * List all running containers with the exact version of application .. code-block:: sh $ docker ps --format 'table {{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Label "version"}}\t{{.Status}}' NAMES IMAGE VERSION STATUS xivocc_spagobi_1 xivoxc/spagobi:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 14 hours xivocc_nginx_1 xivoxc/xivoxc_nginx:latest Up 32 hours xivocc_xuc_1 xivoxc/xuc:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 13 hours xivocc_recording_server_1 xivoxc/recording-server:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 32 hours xivocc_xivo_replic_1 xivoxc/xivo-db-replication:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 32 hours xivocc_config_mgt_1 xivoxc/config-mgt:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 32 hours xivocc_pack_reporting_1 xivoxc/pack-reporting:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 32 hours xivocc_xivo_stats_1 xivoxc/xivo-full-stats:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 32 hours xivocc_pgxivocc_1 xivoxc/pgxivocc:latest Up 32 hours xivocc_xucmgt_1 xivoxc/xucmgt:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 Up 32 hours xivocc_elasticsearch_1 elasticsearch:1.7.2 Up 32 hours xivocc_fingerboard_1 xivoxc/fingerboard:latest Up 32 hours xivocc_recording_rsync_1 xivoxc/recording-rsync:latest Up 32 hours xivocc_kibana_volumes_1 xivoxc/kibana_volume:latest Up 32 hours * You can also inspect an image or container to get it's exact version: .. code-block:: sh # Inspect an image $ docker inspect --format '{{(index .Config.Labels "version")}}' xivoxc/xuc:2017.03.latest 2017.03.02 # Inspect a running container $ docker inspect --format '{{(index .Config.Labels "version")}}' xivocc_xuc_1 2017.03.02 Log --- The log of each container can be found in the `/var/log/xivocc` directory. Currently (it may change) the structure looks like this : .. code-block:: sh /var/log/xivocc: ├── config-mgt │   └── config-mgt.log ├── purge-reporting-database.log ├── recording-server │   ├── downloads.log │   └── recording-server.log ├── spagobi │   ├── Quartz.log │   ├── SpagoBIBirtReportEngine.log │   ├── SpagoBIChartEngine.log │   ├── SpagoBIJasperReports.log │   ├── SpagoBI.log │   ├── SpagoBIQbeEngineAudit.log │   ├── SpagoBIQbeEngine.log │   └── SpagoBITalendEngine.log ├── specific-stats.log ├── xivo-db-replication │   └── xivo-db-replication.log ├── xivo-full-stats │   └── xivo-full-stats.log ├── xuc │   ├── xuc_ami.log │   └── xuc.log └── xucmgt └── xucmgt.log Backup ------ You may backup your statistic database by using a similar command as below .. code-block:: ini docker run --rm --link demo_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup -e PGPASSWORD=xivocc postgres pg_dump -h db -U postgres --format=c -f /backup/xivo_stats_dump xivo_stats Restore ------- You may restore a backup using a similar command (to be adapted) .. code-block:: ini docker run --rm -it --link pgxivoccdemo_pgxivocc_1:db -v $(pwd):/backup postgres pg_restore -h db -c -U postgres -d xivo_stats /backup/xivo_stats_dump