.. _backup: ****** Backup ****** Periodic backup =============== A backup of the database and the data are launched every day with a logrotate task. It is run at 06:25 a.m. and backups are kept for 7 days. Logrotate task: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-backup` Logrotate cron: :file:`/etc/cron.daily/logrotate` Retrieve the backup =================== You can retrieve the backup from the web-interface in :menuselection:`Services --> IPBX --> IPBX Configuration --> Backup Files` page. Otherwise, with shell access, you can retrieve them in :file:`/var/backups/xivo`. In this directory you will find :file:`db.tgz` and :file:`data.tgz` files for the database and data backups. Backup scripts: :file:`/usr/sbin/xivo-backup` Backup location: :file:`/var/backups/xivo` What is actually backed-up? =========================== Data ---- Here is the list of folders and files that are backed-up: * :file:`/etc/asterisk/` * :file:`/etc/consul/` * :file:`/etc/crontab` * :file:`/etc/dahdi/` * :file:`/etc/dhcp/` * :file:`/etc/hostname` * :file:`/etc/hosts` * :file:`/etc/ldap/` * :file:`/etc/network/if-up.d/xivo-routes` * :file:`/etc/network/interfaces` * :file:`/etc/ntp.conf` * :file:`/etc/profile.d/xivo_uuid.sh` * :file:`/etc/resolv.conf` * :file:`/etc/ssl/` * :file:`/etc/systemd/` * :file:`/etc/wanpipe/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-agentd/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-agid/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-amid/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-auth/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-call-logd/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-confd/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-confgend-client/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-ctid/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-ctid-ng/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-dird/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-dird-phoned/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-dxtora/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-purge-db/` * :file:`/etc/xivo-websocketd/` * :file:`/etc/xivo/` * :file:`/usr/local/bin/` * :file:`/usr/local/sbin/` * :file:`/usr/share/xivo/XIVO-VERSION` * :file:`/var/lib/asterisk/` * :file:`/var/lib/consul/` * :file:`/var/lib/xivo-provd/` * :file:`/var/lib/xivo/` * :file:`/var/log/asterisk/` * :file:`/var/spool/asterisk/` * :file:`/var/spool/cron/crontabs/` The following files/folders are excluded from this backup: * folders: * :file:`/var/lib/consul/checks` * :file:`/var/lib/consul/raft` * :file:`/var/lib/consul/serf` * :file:`/var/lib/consul/services` * :file:`/var/lib/xivo-provd/plugins/*/var/cache/*` * :file:`/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/` * :file:`/var/spool/asterisk/meetme/` * files * :file:`/var/lib/xivo-provd/plugins/xivo-polycom*/var/tftpboot/*.ld` * log files, coredump files * audio recordings * and, files greater than 10 MiB or folders containing more than 100 files if they belong to one of these folders: * :file:`/var/lib/xivo/sounds/` * :file:`/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/` * :file:`/var/lib/asterisk/moh/` * :file:`/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/` * :file:`/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/` Database -------- The database ``asterisk`` from PostgreSQL is backed up. This include almost everything that is configured via the web interface. .. _manual_backup: Creating backup files manually ============================== .. warning:: A backup file may take a lot of space on the disk. You should check the free space on the partition before creating one. Database -------- You can manually create a *database* backup file named :file:`db-manual.tgz` in :file:`/var/tmp` by issuing the following commands:: xivo-backup db /var/tmp/db-manual Files ----- You can manually create a *data* backup file named :file:`data-manual.tgz` in :file:`/var/tmp` by issuing the following commands:: xivo-backup data /var/tmp/data-manual .. _restore: ******* Restore ******* Introduction ============ A backup of both the configuration files and the database used by a XiVO installation is done automatically every day. These backups are created in the :file:`/var/backups/xivo` directory and are kept for 7 days. Limitations =========== * You must restore a backup on the **same version** of XiVO that was backed up (though the architecture -- ``i386`` or ``amd64`` -- may differ) * You must restore a backup on a machine with the **same hostname and IP address** * Be aware that this procedure applies **only to XiVO >= 14.08** (see :ref:`upgrade_note_14.08`). * XiVO CC configuration files are not backed up. Follow :ref:`Manual XiVO PBX configuration ` to restore them. Before Restoring the System =========================== .. warning:: Before restoring a XiVO on a fresh install you have to setup XiVO using the wizard (see :ref:`configuration_wizard` section). Stop monit and all the xivo services:: xivo-service stop If you want to restore XiVO < 2017.06 that was configured for XiVO CC, you must create PostgreSQL user `stats` before restoring the database. See :ref:`Creating user stats `. Restoring System Files ====================== System files are stored in the data.tgz file located in the :file:`/var/backups/xivo` directory. This file contains for example, voicemail files, musics, voice guides, phone sets firmwares, provisioning server configuration database. To restore the file :: tar xvfp /var/backups/xivo/data.tgz -C / Restoring the Database ====================== .. warning:: * This will destroy all the current data in your database. * You have to check the free space on your system partition before extracting the backups. Database backups are created as :file:`db.tgz` files in the :file:`/var/backups/xivo` directory. These tarballs contains a dump of the database used in XiVO. In this example, we'll restore the database from a backup file named :file:`db.tgz` placed in the home directory of root. First, extract the content of the :file:`db.tgz` file into the :file:`/var/tmp` directory and go inside the newly created directory:: tar xvf db.tgz -C /var/tmp cd /var/tmp/pg-backup Drop the asterisk database and restore it with the one from the backup:: sudo -u postgres dropdb asterisk sudo -u postgres pg_restore -C -d postgres asterisk-*.dump To finalize the restore, see :ref:`after_restore`. Troubleshooting --------------- When restoring the database, if you encounter problems related to the system locale, see :ref:`postgresql_localization_errors`. Alternative: Restoring and Keeping System Configuration ======================================================= System configuration like network interfaces is stored in the database. It is possible to keep this configuration and only restore xivo data. Rename the asterisk database to asterisk_previous:: sudo -u postgres psql -c 'ALTER DATABASE asterisk RENAME TO asterisk_previous' Restore the asterisk database from the backup:: sudo -u postgres pg_restore -C -d postgres asterisk-*.dump Restore the system configuration tables from the asterisk_previous database:: sudo -u postgres pg_dump -c -t dhcp -t netiface -t resolvconf asterisk_previous | sudo -u postgres psql asterisk Drop the asterisk_previous database:: sudo -u postgres dropdb asterisk_previous .. warning:: Restoring the data.tgz file also restores system files such as host hostname, network interfaces, etc. You will need to reapply the network configuration if you restore the data.tgz file. .. _after_restore: After Restoring The System ========================== Resynchronize the xivo-auth keys:: xivo-update-keys Update systemd runtime configuration:: source /etc/profile.d/xivo_uuid.sh systemctl set-environment XIVO_UUID=$XIVO_UUID systemctl daemon-reload Restart the services you stopped in the first step:: xivo-service start You may also reboot the system.