.. index:: single:XiVO Client ********************************** Building the XiVO Client on Mac OS ********************************** This page explains how to build an executable of the XiVO Client from its sources for Mac OS. Mac OS Prerequisites ===================== Developer tools --------------- You will need an Apple developer account to get development tools, such as GCC. To log in or sign in, go to the `Developer portal of Apple`_. In the Downloads section, get the Command line Tools for XCode and install them. You might want to get XCode too, but it is rather big. .. _Developer portal of Apple: https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action Qt SDK ------ You need the development files of the Qt 5 library, available on the `Qt website `_. The currently supported Qt version is 5.5.0. Get sources =========== In a bash shell, enter:: $ git clone git@gitlab.com:xivo.solutions/xivo-client-qt.git Building ======== Launch qmake to generate the Makefile:: $ cd xivo-client-qt $ /path/to/qt5/bin/qmake -spec macx-g++ This will also generate a file ``versions.mak`` that contains version informations about the code being compiled. It is necessary for compilation and packaging. You can then launch ``make``:: $ make Binaries are available in the ``bin`` directory. The version of the executable is taken from the ``git describe`` command. Debug build ----------- Add ``DEBUG=yes`` on the command line:: $ make DEBUG=yes Cleaning -------- :: $ make distclean Launch ====== You can launch the built executable with:: $ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=bin bin/xivoclient.app/Contents/MacOS/xivoclient Package ======= You need to have the bin directory of Qt in your $PATH. To create the app bundle:: $ make pack This will result in a ``.dmg`` file in the current directory. The version of the package is taken from the ``git describe`` command.