****** WebRTC ****** General notes ============= .. note:: added in version 2016.04 XiVO comes with a WebRTC lines support, you can use in with XiVO *Web Assistant* and *Desktop Assistant*. Before starting, please check the :ref:`webrtc_requirements`. Current WebRTC implementation requires following configuration steps: * configure :ref:`asterisk to accept websocket connections `, * and create user :ref:`with one line configured for WebRTC `. To have user with both SIP and WebRTC line is not supported. .. _configure_xpbx_webrtc: Configuration of XiVO PBX for WebRTC ==================================== .. warning:: Security warning: when enabling WebRTC you need to ensure that you do it securely: #. by securing the access to the ARI, #. and by securing (e.g. via an external firewall) the access to the asterisk HTTP server (which listens on port 5039). **First**, secure ARI connection (this step is **very important** otherwise your *XiVO PBX* won't be secure) : * Generate a password (e.g. with ``pwgen -s 16``) * Edit file :file:`/etc/asterisk/ari.conf` * replace:: password = Nasheow8Eag by:: password = * Then, update password in xivo-ctid-ng configuration, * Create a file :file:`/etc/xivo-ctid-ng/conf.d/01-xivocc-webrtc.yml`:: touch /etc/xivo-ctid-ng/conf.d/01-xivocc-webrtc.yml * With the following content:: # Custom password ari: connection: password: Then, open asterisk HTTP server to accept outside websocket connections: * Edit file :file:`/etc/asterisk/http.conf` * replace:: bindaddr= by:: bindaddr= By default, asterisk HTTP server has a limit of 100 websocket connections. You can change this limit in the :file:`/etc/asterisk/http.conf` file:: sessionlimit=200 Restart XiVO PBX services to apply the new settings:: xivo-service restart .. _configure_user_with_webrtc_line: Configuration of user with WebRTC line ====================================== 1. Create user 2. Add line to user without any device 3. Edit the line created and, in the *Advanced* tab, add `webrtc=yes` options: .. figure:: webrtc_line.png :scale: 100% Manual configuration of user with WebRTC line ============================================== For the records .. toctree:: webrtc_manualconf