.. _web_services_access: ******************* Web Services Access ******************* You may configure Web Services / REST API permissions in :menuselection:`Configuration --> Management --> Web Services Access`. Web services access may have two different meanings: * Who may access REST APIs of various XiVO daemons, and which resources in those REST APIs? * Who may access PHP web services under ``https://xivo.example.com/xivo/configuration/json.php/*``? REST API access and permissions =============================== Those REST API interfaces are documented on http://.api. They all require an authorization token, obtained by giving valid credentials to the REST API of xivo-auth. The relevant settings are: * Login/Password: the xivo-auth credentials (for the xivo-auth :ref:`backend ` ``xivo_service``) * ACL: The list of authorized REST API resources. See :ref:`rest-api-acl`. Unlike PHP web services, there is no host-based authorization, so the ``Host`` setting is not relevant. A few REST API access are automatically generated during the installation of XiVO, so that XiVO services may authenticate each other. You will probably only need to create such a REST API access when you want another non-XiVO service to communicate with XiVO via REST API. PHP web services ================ .. warning:: **DEPRECATED** Those web services are deprecated. There is no documentation about their usage, and the goal is to remove them. They are still protected with HTTP authentication, requiring a login and password. The relevant settings are: * Login/Password: the HTTP authentication credentials * Host: the authorized hosts that are allowed to make HTTP requests: * Empty value: HTTP authentication * Non-empty value: no HTTP authentication, all requests coming from this host will be accepted. Valid hosts may be: a hostname, an IP address, a CIDR block. There is no fine-grained permissions: either the user has access to every PHP web services, or none. xivo-confd ========== .. warning:: **DEPRECATED** There is also a special case for authentication with xivo-confd. See :ref:`rest-api` for more details.